Posted on: Monday, January 20, 2003
Negative feelings fester on Moloka'i
By Mike Holmes
Hawai'i resident
I came to these Islands on a cruise ship in 1946. Over the years I have met and known a number of wonderful Hawaiian leaders. Their common trait was that they lived the aloha spirit in its entirety.
I'm sure many who read this will recall some great memories shared in the company of Emma Hausten, Genoa Keawe, Duke Kahanamoku, Gabby Pahinui, Eddie Kamae and the Rev. Abraham Akaka. They opened their hearts and homes to all and set the standard for hospitality in these Islands. They were always pleasant in sharing their culture with others.
As I listen to the statements of the handful of anti-everything individuals on Moloka'i regarding a cruise ship coming to the island, I recognize many of the statements to be false and uninformed. I think it is sad that the residents of Moloka'i have paid the price for such negative, narrow-minded leadership.
I find it ironic that these negative individuals would file a frivolous lawsuit against the state to prevent visitors from coming when at the same time they are asking the state to pay them revenues that the visitor activity generates on ceded lands.
Perhaps the state should be trying these organizations in court under the RICO statutes for activities in restraint of trade.
A positive attitude and some clear thinking would bring the real benefits to the community into focus. For example, haven't visitors to Moloka'i brought much of the expertise from elsewhere to solve Moloka'i's electric power generation problems in the past? Haven't visitors provided scholarships to qualified graduating seniors at Moloka'i High School to get them started at college and on the road to higher education and on the road to success? Didn't a visitor support the Moloka'i High School sports interisland travel costs almost entirely not long ago? Haven't visitors provided the increased revenue on the island to allow business on the island to survive?
I for one am grateful for the visitors to this island.
We are all visitors on this planet. Hawai'i is and always has been about aloha and the opportunities and successes that come from welcoming people to our Islands. Isn't it time that the people of Moloka'i welcome opportunity rather than try to make it go away?
The statement that the anti-everything group is making does not represent my feelings in any way; I enjoy meeting and making new friends.