Program eases housing hunt for pet owners
Hawaiian Humane Society
| Online resources
Go to the Humane Society's home page, click on Pets in Housing, and then: To check the pet policy of O'ahu buildings, choose "Pet Friendly Buildings." To look for specific vacancies, choose "Search for Available Rentals." To advertise your "Pets Possible" rental, choose "Submit a Rental." |
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"Pet owners are often ideal renters," said Cynthia Keolanui of the Hawaiian Humane Society. "They provide excellent care for their pets and are usually very thoughtful tenants, too."
As the Humane Society's manager of Community Outreach, Keolanui oversees Pets In Housing, which was created to perpetuate the bond between humans and animals by increasing the number of properties that welcome pets.
"Many O'ahu rental apartments, homes, condos and townhomes have already moved away from the traditional 'no pets' policy," Keolanui said. "The goal of our Pets in Housing program is to make this change throughout the community."
Keolanui works with landlords, associations, property managers and real estate professionals to help them identify responsible pet owners and develop policies that accept well-mannered companion animals. Since 56 percent of O'ahu households include a pet, this doubles their potential tenants.
"At the heart of the Pets In Housing program is our information packet that landlords and renters can use," Keolanui said. "We try to show the advantages of changing 'no pets' policies to 'pets possible' so everyone benefits Realtors, landlords, tenants and, of course, the pets."
The Pets in Housing kit includes forms that allow pet owners to provide references for them and their companion animal to show landlords that they are considerate, dependable renters. Pets that have had training, receive regular veterinary care, and are well-groomed and free of fleas can make excellent tenants. To request a kit, call Keolanui at 946-2187, ext. 222.
People looking for a place to rent often begin by checking the Pets Possible bulletin board and picking up the list of pet-friendly buildings from the Humane Society. Renters use the multi-page listing when checking advertised places for rent because it includes the pet policies of O'ahu rentals that allow animals.
Landlords can advertise rental vacancies for free on the Pets Possible bulletin board in the Incoming Animals area, open 24 hours. Vacancies and the pet-friendly listing are also found at
Dr. Ronald Ezar is a property owner/manager who uses the bulletin board. "Some of my best tenants have come through the Humane Society," he said. "I find that people with pets are among my most responsible tenants."
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Tag No. 23006
Fedora is an adult male cat with a mostly white coat with a few black spots, most notably the "hat" on top of his head. He's big and affectionate with adorable chubby cheeks. Look for him in Room 1 at the Cat House.
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Tag No. 23043
Here's a sweet terrier mix who is looking for a quiet home with no other pets. About 8 years old, Lady is eligible for the new "Seniors for Seniors" program. People 60 or older may adopt a mature pet for free.
The Hawaiian Humane Society & McInerny Dog Park at 2700 Wai'alae Ave. are open Monday to Friday from noon to 8 p.m.; weekends from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The incoming animals area is open 24 hours a day, every day. If you've lost or found an animal, call the Humane Society immediately at 946-2187, ext. 285.