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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Sunday, January 26, 2003

Of all places, Hawai'i deserves a bottle bill

We're proud that the Legislature finally was able last year to pass a bottle bill, which Gov. Ben Cayetano signed into law, and we're dismayed that Gov. Linda Lingle disparages it to the point or urging its repeal.

She criticizes the new law as having accomplished nothing so far, without pointing out that it hasn't gone into effect yet. What really frustrates us is that she says the bottle bill can easily be replaced with a community workday program.

The experience of Mainland communities, including the state of Oregon, is that bottle bills work, reducing trash volume and the need for new landfills, and reducing litter along country roads.

We fear the reason for opposition to bottle bills is a philosophical objection to "government interference" with business. Certainly the Hawai'i beverage industry was unhappy with having to charge a few cents extra for each bottle.

But we hate to think that places like Oregon are more environmentally aware — and cleaner — than Hawai'i. If anything, our new law's effective date should be moved ahead.