Tryouts Calendar
Anna fishburn Casting auditions for extras for the pilot of "The Break," a possible TV series set in Hawai'i. Looking for all types, ages 15 and over, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Anna Fishburn Casting, 1121 Nu'uanu Ave., Suite 200. No phone calls, please.
Hawai'i Pacific University Theatre auditions men and women, ages late 30s to 70s, for the April 11 to May 11 production of the comedy "Morning's at Seven," noon Saturday and Sunday and 7 p.m. Monday, HPU's Windward Campus Theatre, Kane'ohe. 254-0853, 236-7917.
Epiphany Films holds casting call for non-paid roles for actors and extras of all types, ages and ethnicities, including an attractive male, age 20-30 and "nerdy" male, age 20-40. Direct inquiries to or send headshot with resume to Epiphany Film, LLC., Casting, Suite 103 #3267, 1750 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, HI 96826. Deadline: Feb. 15.
Honolulu Boy Choir holds open auditions for boys 7 to 12 to join the choir for the spring concert season, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Harris United Methodist Church. Membership in the choir is free. Call 596-7464 to schedule an audition.
Ballet Hawaii auditions for the May 3-4 production of the full-length ballet "Giselle," 1-3 p.m. Feb. 15, Ballet Hawaii Dole Cannery studio, no charge for Ballet Hawaii student, others must enroll in the "Giselle" class, which is $15. Pre-register for the audition at 521-8600.