Tryouts Calendar
Roger Wilko issues casting call for a short film to be shot in July. Seeking one male and one female, ages 20-30. Submit photograph to P.O. Box 240130, Honolulu, HI 96824 or call 368-3876. Deadline: July 7.
Director Keith Kashiwada issues casting call for five actors for Kumu Kahua Theatre's production of Lee Cataluna's "Folks You Meet at Longs." Seeking adults of all ages, three local females and two local males. Auditions are at Kumu Kahua Theatre from 6-9 p.m. July 13 and July 14. Scripts are available for loan with a $10 cash deposit. 536-4222.
VSA Arts of Hawaii-Pacific auditions Aug. 2 for musician, singers, songwriter and chanters with disabilities to perform with Beethoven's Nightmare in the "Live It Up" concert August. Call for audition: 926-4763.
Expressions by choice, a new opportunity for artists to showcase their talents, seeks musicians, vocalists, groups and bands to audition for bi-monthly performances. Call for audition location and dates: 521-4334, 382-7216.
Al Waterson and You Talent Search, competition, for singers 18 and older, with prizes awarded and possible recording contract, 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Don Ho's Island Grill. 528-0807.
Emine Pacific Beauties, seeks entries from males or females ages 3 to 65 years old for The EPB Saigon Hawaii (must be part Vietnamese) and The EPB America pageants at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel on Aug. 2. Entry deadline is July 14 with $85 entry fee. 226-3839.
Send announcements to: Tryouts Calendar, Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Phone 525-8034, fax 525-8055, or e-mail with "Tryouts Cal" in the subject line.