Hawai'i briefs
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Sign-waving in Moanalua Valley
Moanalua Valley residents will be on the street waving signs Sunday asking drivers to slow down in the residential area.
"We cannot wait for a fatality," said Rep. Glenn Wakai, D-31st (Salt Lake, Tripler). "The tragedy in Nanakuli that claimed a father and son last weekend highlights the importance of safety on our roadways."
Police officers will join residents starting at 11 a.m. on Ala Aolani Street near the Moanalua Golf Course, which has a posted 25-mph speed limit, and officers will ticket speeding drivers.
The city has plans for traffic-calming devices on Ala Aolani Street, but the projects are on hold because of lack of money, Wakai said.
Heart Walk set for Aug. 9
The American Heart Association will continue the fight against heart disease and stroke at the 10th annual American Heart Walk, Aug. 9 at Kapi'olani Park. This year's theme is "Participate. Raise Funds. Save Lives." The 4.5-mile walk around Diamond Head will include a health fair, free blood-pressure screenings, stroke risk assessments, cholesterol screenings, a keiki fun fair, food and entertainment. The fund-raising goal this year is $190,000. For more information, contact the American Heart Association at 538-7021 or visit walk.americanheart.org.
Commissioners being sought
The Judicial Council is accepting applications to fill two vacancies on the Campaign Spending Commission. Individuals selected will be appointed to a four-year term and may be reappointed once. Commissioners may not participate in political campaigns or contribute to candidates or political committees.
Interested persons should submit an application, resume and three letters of recommendation by Aug. 1. Applications are available at the Public Affairs Office, Room 206-C, Ali'iolani Hale, 417 S. King St.; the Judiciary Web site www.courts.state.hi.us; or by calling 539-4702.
Anti-drug efforts set for Mililani
The Mililani community will hold an anti-drug town hall meeting at 7 p.m. and sign-waving at 4 p.m. Tuesday. The meeting will take place at the Mililani Mauka Elementary School cafeteria and sign wavers will meet at Mililani Recreation Center 5 to get signs and disperse to three locations.
School project completed
About 15 volunteers have painted the exterior Blanche Pope Elementary School and leveled an open field using "sweat equity" and money from Hawai'i 3Rs program, completing a project that began in March. School staff, community members and area representatives were on hand late last month to complete the work. For more information about the program, visit www.hawaii3rs.com.