Renaissance revisited with master's touch
By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Writer
Keola Beamer looks to the past for inspiration for his latest CD, putting his stamp on some songs originally popularized by his peers in the renaissance-era of Hawaiian music of the 1970s.
Two falsetto CDs help keep the Hawaiian traditional alive and a-happening for a new generation of fans.
"Mohala Hou Music of the Hawaiian Renaissance" by Keola Beamer; 'Ohe Records
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Distinguishing notes: Keola Beamer, one of the prime movers of the renaissance of Hawaiian music, puts his own personal spin on tunes and acts that fueled and inspired his own creativity in and around the 1970s, when he and his brother were novice musicians-entertainers themselves. Thus, his homage includes hits by Olomana, Country Comfort, Kalapana, Cecilio and Kapono ... along with reflective revisits to some of the originals he composed and performed. The fare is rhapsodic and pertinent, laced with nostalgia and relevance albeit with a seasoned artist's vocal interpretations and includes "Ku'u Home O Kahalu'u," "Pretty Girl," "Feeling Just the Way I Do," "Sunflower," "Home," "Look Into Your Eyes," "Pretty Girl," "Real Old Style," "Moon and Stars," "He'eia," and "Kawika." Not forgetting his ki ho'alu wizardry, he performs "Pua 'Ahihi" as a stunning instrumental.
The outlook: Superb vocal work here (occasionally with a dark, solemn edge), acknowledging both the glorious past and a pensive present, demonstrate with eloquence how these songs have endured and endeared over the past 30 years. Added pluses: the exquisite arrangements and wonderful support from a hallmark band that includes bassist John Kolivas, drummer Noel Okimoto, all from Hawai'i, and pianist Geoffrey Keezer, drummer Paul Van Wageningen and bassist Mar Van Wageningen, from California, and backup vocals by Ron Kuala'au, Maurice Bega and Kam Lan Kapua'ala.
Our take: Going home never sounded and felt so good; Beamer is right on the mark, showing a master's touch. (Note: The CD won't be released till July 15, to be followed by an extensive concert and personal appearance schedule on all islands.)
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"Ku'u Home O Kahalu'u" by Keola Beamer. Audio sample available in mp3 and RealAudio formats. |
"Aloha Festivals Hawaiian Falsetto Contest Winners IV" by various artists; Hula Records
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Distinguishing notes: Winners from two ongoing falsetto contests the Big Island's Kindy Sproat Falsetto and Storytelling Contest and Honolulu's Aloha Festivals Frank B. Shaner Falsetto Contest are featured here with other winners in the fourth installment of a cherished tradition. Daniel "Kaniala" Kekaoha Masoe of Hilo was the 2001 Big Isle victor, performing "Kalama'ula," his winning song, plus "Lahela Ku'u Poki'i," "'Akaka Falls" and "Alekoki." Gary Medeiros, 2002 Honolulu winner, showcases his topper, "'Alika," plus "He U'i," "Ho'onanea," and "KHBC." Others represented: "Chan" Abenes and Stan Priddy.
The outlook: By recording winners in the community sing-outs, the falsetto tradition is the true champ preserved and perpetuated for future generations of upper-register singers to explore and enjoy.
Our take: Devotees of this series won't be disappointed; the disc is a valid introduction to future solo endeavors by the winners.
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"Kalama'ula" by Daniel Masoe. Audio sample available in mp3 and RealAudio formats. |
"Offshore" by Sam Keli'iho'omalu; Hula Records
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Distinguishing notes: Keli'iho-'omalu was the 1998 Frank B. Shaner Falsetto Contest winner, who since has grown and developed as an artist, interpreting some favorites ("Beautiful Kahana," "Ka'i Malie Ia'u," "The Bamboo Is Bending") as well as composing some originals ("Pua Lei 'Ohai Ali'i," "Kaulana O Kohala I Ka Hale Wili," "Lei Pani Pupu (The Cat's Eye Hula)." His style is vibrant and enchanting, more yesteryear than now in spirit and flavor, but truly relevant to falsetto enthusiasts today.
The outlook: With such powerful pipes on Keli'iho'malu who sings in gigs at such spots as the Sheraton Waikiki, Kahala Mandarin and Outrigger Reef Hotel you'd think that music's his full-time job. Someday, perhaps? He still works at Big Kmart, adhering to that ol' show-biz mantra, "Don't quit your day job."
Our take: Sam's the man, mounting a collection that will further extend his stardom and enrich the leo ki'eki'e vaults.
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"Beautiful Kahana" by Sam Keli'iho'omalu. Audio sample available in mp3 and RealAudio formats. |
Reach Wayne Harada at, 525-8067 or fax 525-8055.