Posted on: Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Police cooks program is an inspired idea
It is in the nature of police work that most of their contact with private citizens are less than, shall we say, happy.
What is less generally recognized is the diligent work done by police to head off trouble before it starts. This ranges from working with troubled youth in low-income neighborhoods, school visits and the popular Police Activities League.
Most often we think of PAL activities as sports. But as reported by Advertiser columnist Lee Cataluna, a PAL program in 'Ewa Beach working with the Weed and Seed program has set off in a new and intriguing direction.
Under the leadership of Lt. Frank Fujii, a full-scale cooking program has been set up for dozens of teens. Local merchants generously donated cooking supplies, and saimin maven Shiro Matsuo donated his time.
The kids love the program. They are learning skills that will serve them a lifetime.
This is an ideal example of businesses, community leaders and service organizations working together to help our young people. It should be repeated elsewhere.