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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Thursday, June 12, 2003

17 schools get grants for repairs

Advertiser Staff

Hawai'i 3Rs, a nonprofit volunteerism program, has announced its seventh round of grants for projects this summer at 17 public schools.

More than $690,000 was awarded. With volunteer labor, an estimated $1.55 million worth of repair projects will be done at the schools.

The 3Rs program was started as a way to help the state tackle the backlog of school repairs, which has reached more than $600 million. U.S. Sen. Dan Inouye proposed the Hawai'i 3Rs initiative in 2000.

These public schools have been awarded grants: Aliamanu Elementary, Farrington High, Jefferson Elementary, Queen Ka'ahumanu Elementary, Mililani Uka Elementary, Mililani Waena Elementary, Nanakuli Elementary, Nanakuli High & Intermediate, Nu'uanu Elementary, Blanche Pope Elementary, Red Hill Elementary, Salt Lake Elementary, Waipahu Intermediate, Maui Waena Intermediate, Kahakai Elementary, Waiakea High and Kaunakakai.

The specialty of the 3Rs program has been to take on the things that need to get done but fall below the state's radar because they aren't critical to health and safety. The program uses a combination of state and federal money.

Volunteers do most of the work, with the cost of the repair materials paid through grants from the 3Rs program, not to exceed $50,000 per grant.

Typical projects involve painting, electrical upgrades or plumbing repairs. A committee evaluates the projects and coordinates efforts with the state to make sure projects don't overlap with what the Department of Accounting and General Services already has planned for a campus.

Projects during this grant cycle include painting, replacing lights and resurfacing a football field.

The next application deadline for Hawai'i 3Rs is Aug. 1. For more information on applying for a grant, visit the Web site or call 440-3879.