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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, June 22, 2003

Grant to help prevent domestic abuse

Associated Press

The U.S. Department of Justice has allocated the state $1 million as part of a program intended to prevent domestic violence, U.S. Attorney Edward Kubo Jr. said.

The Justice Department awarded the money as part of its Service, Training, Officers and Prosecutors, or STOP program.

The program is paid for under the Violence Against Women Act and encourages the development of victim-centered law enforcement and prosecution. It seeks to address violent crimes against women by enhancing victim services and programs.

Under the act, the state must use not less than 25 percent of the money for law enforcement, 25 percent for prosecution, 30 percent for victim services and 5 percent for courts. Fifteen percent of the money may be used at the state's discretion for other programs.

Kubo said such grants help support crime victims as they go through the judicial process. He also said he will continue to support all efforts to protect and defend the rights of victims of domestic violence.

The Justice Department has awarded Hawai'i more than $6 million in STOP money since 1995.