Share that 'Ohana feeling
The 'Ohana page in the Sunday Advertiser is your community page, set aside specially for readers to celebrate their families' most cherished moments.
Adding a contribution from your family is easy and it's free!
We invite readers to send contributions for this feature:
If you recently got married or engaged, welcomed a new baby, or observed a special birthday or anniversary, you can share the good news with an announcement on the 'Ohana page. Present and former Hawai'i residents and Hawai'i-based military people are eligible.
You can obtain an official form in any of these ways:
- Fill out a form online by visiting The Advertiser's Web site,
- Call us at 535-2410, and we'll mail you a form.
- Pick up a form at the front desk of The Advertiser, 605 Kapi'olani Blvd.
When making any submission, please make sure you send a copy you can spare, because we cannot return it. All submissions may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms.