Power foods rule
By Karen Fernau
Arizona Republic
Americans' obsession with weight has clouded the fact that food affects our chances of getting heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes.
New research shows that key foods provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. So, what are these power foods? Tomatoes, beans, salmon, berries, spinach, oatmeal, nuts, oranges, sweet potatoes and low-fat milk.
"If by the end of the year you are eating just a few of these foods, you will be going in the right direction," says Melanie Polk, spokeswoman for the American Institute for Cancer Research in Washington.
A diet rich in power foods can provide an added bonus weight loss.
Begin slowly, especially if you've spent the past year perfecting the art of "supersizing." Changes can be as simple as replacing sugary breakfast cereals with oatmeal. Try eating sandwiches with tomato slices thicker than the meat.
According to Cathy Kapica, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, the disease-fighting compounds also improve energy levels.
"There is no down side to these 10 foods," she says. "They help you prevent disease, feel energetic and, yes, lose weight."
Power foods
1. Salmon: Fatty fishes sure don't sound healthful, but study after study confirms that consumption of salmon, for instance, lowers the risk of death from heart disease. Substances in salmon known as omega-3 fatty acids help the heart by preventing sudden and fatal disturbances in heart rhythm, the cause of death in 250,000 Americans a year. You are less likely to die from a heart attack if you eat at least one serving of salmon or other fatty fish each week, according to the American Heart Association. Fresh fish might taste better, but canned salmon also is high in omega-3 fatty acids.
2. Nuts: Almonds, peanuts, walnuts and hazelnuts are bite-size powerhouses of health-promoting substances that help prevent heart disease and cancer. Nuts also contain mono-unsaturated fat, the kind celebrated for its ability to lower harmful cholesterol. In addition, nutritionists consider nuts a perfect food for those needing to lower their triglycerides or blood pressure. They're rich in antioxidant vitamin E, which eliminates cell-damaging free radicals. Two ounces a day of almonds are enough to provide optimum health benefits.
3. Beans: These are a great source of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates for long-lasting energy. They are low in fat and high in the B vitamin folic acid as well as copper, zinc, magnesium and potassium. Research shows that two servings a day of any bean can lower blood cholesterol as much as 27 percent.
4. Oranges: These citrus fruits are loaded with cancer-battling bioflavonoids and immune system-boosting vitamin C. If that's not enough, the limonin found in oranges and other citrus fruits fuel the immune system to fight cancer. Phytochemicals in oranges, tangerines and grapefruits may help the body resist carcinogens, prevent harmful blood clotting and avoid blindness.
5. Spinach: Popeye was onto something. This dark, leafy green vegetable is packed with vitamin C and beta carotene, both potent antioxidants that fight cancer and boost immunity. In addition, spinach and other dark, leafy greens are top-notch sources of vitamin A, calcium, iron, fiber and other disease-fighting nutrients.
6. Sweet potatoes: It is a shame many eat sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving only. They are packed with disease-fighting beta carotene and other antioxidants. Eaten with the skin, a baked sweet potato is an excellent fiber source. (Don't be confused by those labeled "yams." The "yams" sold in the grocery stores are actually a darker-looking variety of sweet potatoes.)
7. Berries: Now referred to as "the secret of youth," these colorful fruits contain chemicals that act as antioxidants, believed by scientists to protect the body from the stresses of aging. Recent studies show that those who eat blueberries, strawberries, cranberries and blackberries have a lower incidence of cancer.
8. Oatmeal: How good is oatmeal? Nutritious enough that it may be one of the first foods to have its own health claim approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The regulatory agency allows oatmeal manufacturers to claim that eating this whole grain reduces the risk of heart disease when it is part of a low-fat diet. As with other whole grains, it's the fiber in oatmeal that has been shown to help reduce cholesterol and risk of heart disease. Also, added oatmeal in a woman's diet might reduce her risk of breast cancer.
9. Tomatoes: While we say tomato, nutritionists say lycopene. This highly touted carotenoid could be the key to preventing blood clots that cause heart disease and strokes. In produce, raw is usually healthier than cooked, but studies prove the opposite for tomatoes. Cooked tomato foods, such as soup, pasta sauce and even ketchup, provide the most powerful doses of lycopene. Tomatoes also may deter macular degeneration, dementia and sun damage to the skin.
10. Low-fat milk: The average person fails to get enough milk or other low-fat dairy products to satisfy the individual's daily calcium requirement, a must to prevent the bone loss associated with osteoporosis. In promising recent studies, a high intake of calcium also seemed to reduce the chance of colorectal cancer.
Certain foods appear ordinary but have extraordinary powers. They might ward off aging, prevent cancer and heart attacks. Here's how to add them to your daily routine. Begin the day with a power food trio: oatmeal topped with berries and nuts. Spend more time in the produce section than in any other supermarket department. Top salads with slivered almonds or walnuts. They're also a fast-fix protein source for pasta dishes. Snack on nuts instead of chips or crackers. They're loaded with "good" fats. They are high in calories, so eat in moderation; experts recommend 2 ounces a day. Eat soups full of vegetables, beans or grains. Kick your vending-machine addiction. Bring an orange to the office as a snack. If the orange isn't enough, snack on whole-wheat crackers and peanut butter. Other grains, such as whole wheat, are as healthful as oatmeal. Use whole-wheat flour in place of white flour for baking. Read labels to make sure the bread or cereal you are buying has whole, not processed, grains. Take advantage of convenience produce, such as washed baby spinach and other vegetables. To add calcium, cook oatmeal in milk instead of water. Add at least one 8-ounce glass of low-fat milk daily, preferably as a replacement for soda. When the weather turns warm, use beans, vegetables and whole grains to make delicious and filling salads. Maybe the reason you do not like spinach is that your mother served canned or overcooked spinach. Learn to cook greens, grains and fatty fish. There is an abundance of cookbooks specializing in healthful cooking to help you discover new and tasty dishes.
Easy ways to add the power foods to your daily diet