Governor criticized on land directors
By Gordon Y. K. Pang
Advertiser Capitol Bureau
The Sierra Club Hawai'i Chapter said it is "extremely disappointed" with Gov. Linda Lingle's selection of a pro-development advocate as deputy director of the Department of Land and Natural Resources.
The post is to be filled by Dan Davidson, longtime executive director of the Land Use Research Foundation, a lobbying group financed by developers.
Jeff Mikulina, director of the Sierra Club Hawai'i Chapter, said the selection of Davidson after the appointment of former Big Island Deputy Managing Director Peter Young as DLNR director is a sign the Lingle administration wants to hear only from the business sector on environmental issues. The department oversees 1.3 million acres of land in the state.
Young's nomination was approved by the Senate last week despite concerns raised by the Sierra Club about his favorable comments on a controversial Kona golf course. Deputy directors do not require legislative confirmation.
"Hawai'i's fragile environment deserves DLNR executives with balanced perspectives," Mikulina said. "A developer's advocate is simply the wrong person for the job."
Davidson did not return a telephone call yesterday and administration officials had no comment.