Posted on: Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Give downtown its long-awaited tot lot
It's fair to say that no urban Honolulu park has been as long in the making as the downtown Smith-Beretania park, which the city agreed to build in 1981 as part of the Honolulu Tower project.
So we are puzzled as to why city Parks Director Bill Balfour is resisting adding a keiki playground or "tot lot" as construction of the park nears completion.
The neighborhood really wants that tot lot, and has waited patiently for more than 20 years, only to be disappointed by changes and setbacks to the original park plans.
Repeatedly, the Downtown Neighborhood Board has made the tot lot its top priority in Capital Improvement Program requests.
Granted, the city has cut money for community projects and CIP funding, and has stipulated that the CIP money can only be used to finish projects already started or for road resurfacing.
But adding play apparatus to Smith-Beretania is hardly going to break the bank.
Apparently, Balfour doesn't feel that the Smith-Beretania park is the best location for another tot lot. There are five play apparatus sets within a mile of the park, according to city spokeswoman Carol Costa.
It should be crystal-clear where the Downtown Neighborhood Board wants its tot lot. After all, with the broken promises made regarding the Smith-Beretania park, the city ought to respect the board's No. 1 wish and deliver.