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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Wonder Woman gets a fashion makeover

Advertiser Staff and News Services

DC Comics via Associated Press
Her bullet-deflecting bracelets are gone, her golden tiara has disappeared and her long, flowing locks have been shorn. After 60 years of fighting evil, Wonder Woman has a new, edgy look, with short, spiky hair and a camouflage bustier.

In Issue 190, coming out today, a somewhat startled Wonder Woman looks in the mirror and takes her new 'do in stride: "It's hair. It will grow back." The makeover is part of Wonder Woman's latest six-part adventure, a harrowing scenario in which she gets amnesia and must fight demons without her superpower strength. The new look — chopped hair, glasses, camouflage bustier — is an undercover costume so she can avoid detection.

'Chicago' puffery gets a jab from lung group

Piggybacking on the Oscars hype, the American Lung Association chapter of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails has awarded the movie musical "Chicago" a Hackademy Award — "for excessive and gratuitous use of tobacco to depict toughness, sexiness, rebelliousness, wealth and power."

The California organization cited: Catherine Zeta-Jones, who smokes continuously in almost every scene; Richard Gere, who chomps a cigar even while dancing; and Queen Latifah, whose cigarettes are meant to signify a rough edge.

Aspen skin chic adds Maui resort boutique

Cos Bar, the Aspen, Colo.-based boutique, has opened at The Shops at Wailea, carrying chic skin care, makeup and fragrance lines, including Prada, Nars, Laura Mercier, Trish McEvoy, T. Leclerc, Origins and La Prairie.

Founder Lily Garfield (pictured), a transplanted New Yorker, started the Cos Bar when she discovered that Colorado, in spite of its high altitude, harsh weather and strong sun, had few high-end skin care products available. She tests every product in the boutique and her goal here will be to help customers combat the damaging effects of Hawai'i's sunny clime.