TGI Wednesday
The indicates admission is $5 or less, or free. Full price is listed; the * denotes lower price for students, seniors, military, members and/or children. Call the venue for details.
Prince Kuhio Celebration, with artifacts, entertainment, all-day display, hula contest at 6 p.m., historical tribute to the prince by Bishop Museum at 6:20 p.m, entertainment beginning at 6:30 p.m., Radisson Waikiki Prince Kuhio Hotel; free. 921-5566.
Tau Dance Theater, with Halau o Kekuhi, presents mini-performance and lecture on the March 29 production of "Hanau Ka Moku: An Island is Born," 5:30-6:30 p.m., Leeward Community College Theatre; free.
Ku'uipo Kumukahi and HAlau Hawai'i, tribute to Prince Kuhio, 7-8 p.m., Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center; free. 922-0588.
Square Dance for New Dancers, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Ala Wai Community Park Recreation Center; free introductory class. 456-8465.
Mario Joyner and Jo Koy, 8 p.m., Laugh Factory, Queen Kapi'olani Hotel; $25*. 931-4490.
Backyard Composting, learn the basics of composting at home, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Hawai'i Nature Center; for 5 and older; $14* parent/child team. 955-0100.
Preschool Pirates, with a treasure hunt, craft activity and games, 10-11:30 a.m., Sea Life Park; for ages 1-5; $15 parent/child team. Register: 259-2512.
Rachel Gonzales and Friends, jazz, 6-9 p.m., Honolulu Club Lounge. 543-3916.
Katt-Daddy, contemporary, light classic rock, light reggae, blues and originals, 6:30-9 p.m., 3660 on the Rise. 737-1177.
Spring Break Pajama Party, with Kristian Lei and DJ Figaro, 6:30 p.m.-midnight, Cascada. 943-0202.