Posted on: Thursday, March 27, 2003
Chung's gig at CNN proves short-lived
By David Bauder
Associated Press
NEW YORK — CNN abruptly dropped one of its best-known anchors, Connie Chung, who had been hired only last spring as the centerpiece of a star-driven prime-time lineup.
"Connie Chung Tonight" had been criticized in some circles for its emphasis on crime and personality stories but had drawn strong ratings in a nondescript time slot.
Her show was temporarily replaced by an Aaron Brown-anchored news program after the war's start last week and she had asked management for a time when it would come back. Instead, she was informed Tuesday that the show had been canceled, CNN spokeswoman Christa Robinson said.
Chung was asked to stay at CNN in another capacity and declined, Robinson said.
She could not immediately be reached for comment.
CNN wouldn't provide a home number for Chung but said it would send a message to her producer seeking comment.
A major figure in broadcasting over the past 30 years, Chung was hired away from ABC News last year, where she primarily worked in news magazines and landed a high-profile interview with Gary Condit.
She envisioned her show opening each night with a detailed look at one of the day's top stories, featuring newsmaker interviews, and highlighting emerging issues.
It evolved into a program concentrating heavily on crime stories, and this master of the taped interview occasionally seemed awkward in a live format. It didn't help when CNN founder Ted Turner, in an interview this winter, described her show as "just awful."
Chung's show had roughly half the audience of cable news' nighttime king, Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, but she averaged almost 1 million viewers a night and improved CNN's performance in the 8 p.m. (EST) time slot.
CNN has not yet decided what will go in her time slot, Robinson said.