Facts about the war
Advertiser News Services
| Two sides clash at support rally |
| U.S. students urged to be cautious abroad |
| More suicide attacks on the way, Iraq vows |
| Sweating it out in patrol of village |
U.S. military: 36 dead, seven captured, 15 missing
British military: 23 dead
Iraqi forces: No estimate of military casualties
Associated Press
"There is no pause on the battlefield. Just because you see a particular formation pause on the battlefield it does not mean there is a pause."
Air Force Maj. Gen. Victor Renuart
By the numbers
10 divisions in the Army now
18 divisions in the Army at the beginning of the first Gulf War
40 targets hit by planes from the USS Constellation in 24 hours
48 TV sets per 1,000 Iraqis
847 TV sets per 1,000 in U.S.
167 radios per 1,000 Iraqis
2,115 radios per 1,000 in U.S
91 air wings in the Air Force now
165 air wings in the Air Force at the start of the first Gulf War
306 ships in the Navy now
580 ships in the Navy at the start of the first Gulf War
675 Tomahawk cruise missiles fired since the start of the war
1,200 calories in ready-to-eat meals the military supplies troops
30,000 anti-war demonstrators holding hands in northwestern Germany, forming a 31-mile-long chain
120,000 additional troops ordered to start moving toward the Persian Gulf
476,000 men and women in the Army now
706,000 men and women in the Army at the beginning of the first Gulf War
The time
Iraq's time zone is 13 hours ahead of Hawai'i time.
Persian Gulf weather
Monday's forecast:
Baghdad Daytime: 78 degrees, partly cloudy. Night: 50 degrees.
Basra Daytime: 89 degrees, mostly sunny. Night: 59 degrees.
Kuwait City Day: 83 degrees, sunny. Night: 57 degrees.
Unit spotlight
![]() |
- Crew: 1
- Length: 53 feet, 4 inches
- Height: 14 feet, 8 inches
- Wingspan: 57 feet, 6 inches
- Speed: Up to 423 mph
- Engines: Two General Electric TF-34-GE-100 turbofan
- Mission weight: Up to 50,000 pounds for takeoff
- Weapons: GAU-8/A Avenger seven-barrel, 30 mm gun; can fire 3,900 rounds per minute; cluster or standard bombs; AIM-9 Sidewinder; AGM-65 Maverick
- Manufacturer: Fairchild-Republic
- Cost: $13 million
- First flight: May 10, 1972