Picking a movie for a date with your mate can be tricky
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By Christie Wilson
Advertiser Staff Writer
Whenever I ask my husband if he wants to go see a particular movie, his response is always the same: "Does it have a lot of talking?"
We don't go to movies together much.
In fact, our last movie date was "Gladiator," unless you count the in-flight movie on the way to Las Vegas.
Movies used to be a cheap date. If you're underage or not into the club scene, it's still about the only thing to do after dark.
One of my worst first dates happened in my freshman year of college, when a guy took me to a drive-in to see "Last Tango in Paris." (Do you think he had an agenda?)
That was the last time I let the guy pick the movie.
Fortunately for my husband, I have eclectic tastes that run the gamut from chop-sockey to sci-fi and rock-'em-sock-'em action. I wouldn't dream of subjecting him to one of those annoying "chick flicks." On that subject, we are in agreement.
If there's a movie with a lot of talking that I just have to see, I'll go alone or with a friend.
Picking a film when you've just started dating someone can be tricky. You don't really want to be surprised by an explicit sex scene. When the characters start making out on screen, you're stuck sitting there,trying not to shift in your seat or show any other signs of being the slightest bit embarrassed. You focus straight ahead while wondering what's running through your date's mind probably the same thing.
Thrillers are a good choice because of the "squeeze factor" that gives you permission to clench your date's arm or bury your face in his shoulder during the intense scenes.
You also might want to pick a movie that will give you something to talk about afterward, to avoid those awkward silences over drinks or coffee.
But this has its risks. Guys might want to avoid saying stuff like, "I really felt sorry for that poor husband in 'Fatal Attraction,' " or "You know when the guy in the hockey mask tied the girl up to the meat hook? That was cool."
Girls, on the other hand, should refrain from commenting on how totally hot the male lead was. Actually, that's pretty good advice for the guys too, about the female lead.
(Here's an insider tip: Women are suckers for a guy who mists up during heart-tugging scenes and tries to hide it. I think most men are closet sentimentalists. It doesn't take much to get my husband teary-eyed. Just give him a storyline about a boy and his dog and he's bawling like a baby. I find it utterly irresistible.)
Of course nowadays, my kids pick most of the movies I see. But now that the oldest is responsible enough to hold down the fort for a couple of hours, I've been toying with idea of going on a romantic night out with my hubby to the multiplex.
When does that "Terminator 3" movie open?
Reach Christie Wilson at cwilson@honoluluadvertiser.com.