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A big-shot movie star with both feet on the ground?
That qualifies.
Pinkosh, whose Starving Artists Theatre Company energized the Hawai'i drama scene a decade ago, is working as a utility stand-in on the new Adam Sandler movie "Fifty First Kisses."
Sandler, he says, is the real deal emphasis on real.
"Honestly," Pinkosh says, "I was so surprised at what a generous, funny, professional, kind person he is."
An old friend of assistant director and Punahou alumnus Tim Engle, Pinkosh initially signed on as a member of the crew during early filming in Los Angeles. At one of the shoots at a local beach, a group of kids gathered to watch Sandler do his thing.
"So Adam walks over there himself and asks them really nicely if they could move over to the side a little," Pinkosh says. "And he promises them that he'll get them some autographs afterward.
"Usually, with someone with his caliber of bankable buck, there's an entourage that does everything for him," Pinkosh says. "I've seen a lot of inappropriate behavior by people who have a lot of money and a large buffer zone. But (Sandler) isn't like that at all. There's none of that diva B.S. He's absolutely professional. I've never seen anyone so grounded."
Pinkosh says Sandler's nice-guy approach sets the tone on the set.
"The vibe is powerful. It's light and fun and so upbeat. It's the best I've seen as far as morale, and still everyone is working really hard. "
Going overboard
About 30 acrobatic youngsters answered a casting call for would-be stunt doubles Monday.
The kids, ages 5 to 10, are vying for five spots needed for a possible scene in "50 First Kisses." The scene calls for a group of kids to flip off of a pier into the ocean.
Max Vercruyssen, director of the Hawai'i Academy, a fitness and gymnastics school, served as the local coordinator for the auditions.
"Initially, they wanted to have the actors do the stunt, but then they realized how difficult it was," Vercruyssen said.
Once the doubles are selected, a test filming will be conducted May 28 and 29. The tape will be forwarded to director Peter Segal, who will decide whether to include the stunt in the movie.
Change of scene
High school students won't be acting blasé during this field trip. Thanks to Sandler, students from Kapolei, Kalaheo and Maryknoll are at Sea Life Park today.
"Fifty First Kisses" needed extras, so casting agent Margaret Doversola sent out the call. Responding in the affirmative: the two public schools and Maryknoll, a co-ed Catholic school, where sophomores are taking the day as a class field trip.
A representative of the casting company said the students would fill the seats at a dolphin show at Sea Life Park, and also be able to see some behind-the-scenes work. The movie, being produced by Sony, is still in preproduction, she said.
Maryknoll will give its 145 sophomores the opportunity to do leave their uniforms for "Friday dress" within reason.
"We'll be checking the bus," said Gunderson.
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Match the number to the correct letter. Answers below.
- Name of Adam Sandler's film company
- Word Billy Madison misspelled in first-grade spelling bee
- "Will somebody get the kid a happy meal?!"
- Sandler's "most disappointing film"
- "Now that's high-quality H2O"
- "Why didn't you just go home! That's your home! Are you too good for your home?"
- Canteen Boy, Herlihy Boy, Operaman
- (How many) appearances on "Late Show with David Letterman"
- (How many) appearances on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"
- Sandler's character on "The Cosby Show"
- "Waterboy" (as Bobby Boucher)
- "Happy Gilmore"
- "Saturday Night Live" characters
- Happy Madison
- 2
- 14
- Rock
- Smitty
- "Little Nicky"
- "Big Daddy" (as Sonny Koufax)
Dave Dondoneau, assistant features editor
Adam Sander posts a variety of video messages on, including greetings from Hawai'i. Here's the transcript of one:
"Sandler Still Sucks at Surfing"
"It's Adam Sandler, wanting to tell you what's been going on in my life. I still suck at surfing, but I do not stop trying. I have a giant board. It's 11 feet long. People laugh at it, and I don't care. I get on it.
| Quiz answers: A-4; B-7: C-10; D-9; E-1; F-2; G-3; H-6; I-5; J-8 |
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