Tryouts Calendar
PBS Hawaii and a Thousand Cranes filmworks announce a casting call for "A Fishbowl and Some Dimes," a short film adapted from Lois-Ann Yamanaka's novel "Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers," and directed by Kayo Hatta. Seeking actors ages 30-70 and children ages 9-15 for an August filming schedule. Send headshots to "Fishbowl," PBS Hawaii, 2350 Dole St., Honolulu, HI 96822 or call 973-1080 for information. Deadline: Friday.
Diamond Head Theatre announces auditions for the July 18-Aug. 3 production of the musical "The Wizard of Oz." The part of Dorothy is by appointment only on Friday. Call 733-0277 to schedule an audition. The remaining parts for the play will be auditioned 2-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the DH Rehearsal Hall. Call for audition requirements: 733-0277.
Honolulu Theatre for Youth seeks adult actors for the season's seven productions, auditions 4-8 p.m. May 29 and 30, Honolulu Theatre for Youth, 2846 Ualena St. Rehearsals and productions are scheduled six days a week, those unable work in a full-time, salaried position need not apply. 839-9885.
The Rhonda Show holds auditions for singers of all ages, 6-7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and May 31, Esprit Lounge, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. Call for additional requirements: 221-7874.
Tiare Apetahi seeks singers, keyboardists, bassists and 'ukulele players to try out for a traditional and contemporary Hawaiian group. Call before May 30 to schedule an audition. 853-1373.