Dayna Hamamoto, daughter of Darwin and Alice Hamamoto of Pearl City, and Scot Uehara, son of Gilbert and Lorraine Uehara of Honolulu, were married on Jan. 4 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, where the reception followed. The bride (Pearl City High, Hawai'i Pacific University), now Dayna Uehara, is an accountant. The groom (Moanalua High, UH-Manoa) is a tax manager. The couple live in Honolulu.
Jayci Sayuri Okamura, daughter of Frank and Shelley Okamura of Kane'ohe, and Benjamin Jackson Roney, son of Dr. Peter and Susan Roney of Kailua, were married Jan. 4 at St. Alban's Chapel at Iolani School. The reception followed at the W Hotel in Waikiki. The bride (Iolani High), now Jayci Roney, is a student. The groom (Iolani High) also is a student. They have one child, Ian Charles Masaru Roney. The family lives in Honolulu.