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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Thursday, May 29, 2003

Education briefs

Advertiser Staff

Waialua team wins Electrathon Event

Waialua High School beat out more than three dozen other electric vehicles from around the nation to win first place overall at the America Cup 2003 Electrathon Event at Portland, Ore., International Raceway last weekend.

The school's five-student Electric Vehicle Team, which designed and built the winning vehicle, included Ashley Yoshizu, Joseph Gudoy, Jovi Lo, Brandon Sakata and Tyson Sumile. Their advisers were Glenn Lee, science department head and teacher, and Tim Pregana, an industrial education teacher.

The objective of the Electrathon Event was to see which vehicle could go the farthest in an hour on a 1.9-mile track on three consecutive days.

Yoshizu, a senior, drove 17 laps per day for a total of 96.9 miles.

Ceremony to honor artist and mural

The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts and the Department of Education will dedicate a relief mural by Linda Oszajca at Mauka Lani Elementary School in Makakilo tomorrow.

The 9 a.m. ceremony will honor the artist and her mural titled "Eia Na Pua A'o Mauka Lani," or "The Flowers of Mauka Lani."

Bunda to address Hale O Ulu grads

State Senate President Robert Bunda will give the commencement address today for Hale O Ulu, a private alternative school for students with adjustment problems in the public school system. The ceremony will be at 10 a.m. at Treetops in Paradise Park in Manoa Valley.

Hale O Ulu (House of Growth) will graduate a class of 15 students. The school is operated by Child and Family Service and includes education instruction, vocational training and clinical counseling services for students with multiple academic, social and family problems.

Kealakehe now has athletic complex

The Big Island's Kealakehe High School in Kailua, Kona, will dedicate its new $7 million athletic complex at 3 p.m. Saturday before commencement ceremonies for its third graduating class.

The school, at 74-5000 Puohulihuli St., opened six years ago and has been sending its field athletic teams to other campuses to compete, even for home games, said vice principal Brian Simon.

The athletic complex includes a football stadium, track and field areas, a weight room and boys' and girls' locker rooms.

"It's the best facility on the West side of the island," Simon said. "The views of sunset are spectacular."

The graduation ceremony will begin at 4:30 p.m.