Washington Week
Gannett News Service
WASHINGTON Here are key actions in Congress last week.
Key House votes
1. FAA authority
The House on Thursday passed, 211-207, a bill that would extend the authority of the Federal Aviation Administration and privatize jobs at the nation's air traffic control towers. A "yea" vote was to pass the bill.
Hawai'i votes: Neil Abercrombie (D), NAY; Ed Case (D) NO VOTE
2. Interior spending
The House on Thursday passed, 216-205, the final version of a bill to provide $19.7 billion to the Interior Department for fiscal 2004. A "yea" vote was to pass the bill.
Abercrombie:, NAY; Case, NO VOTE
3. Iraq spending
The House on Friday passed, 298-121, a bill to provide about $87 billion for the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan. A "yea" vote was to pass the bill.
Abercrombie, NAY; Case, NO VOTE
Key Senate votes
1. Healthy forests
The Senate on Thursday passed, 80-14, a bill that would ease the rules for logging on public lands in an effort to thin forests and reduce fire risks. A "yea" vote was to pass the bill.
Hawai'i votes: Daniel Akaka (D) YEA; Dan Inouye (D) YEA
2. Pickering nomination
The Senate failed Friday, 54-43, to close debate on the nomination of Charles Pickering Sr. to be a judge on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Sixty votes were needed. A "yea" vote was to close debate.
Akaka, NAY; Inouye, NAY