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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, November 5, 2003

A Girl Scout cheer

Advertiser Staff and News Services

Put this one in your "betcha didn't know" file: Gov. Linda Lingle used to be a Girl Scout troop leader on Moloka'i. She'll be honored tomorrow when the Girl Scout Council of Hawaii holds its "Women of Distinction" event. Serving as emcee will be Sarah Hirai, a junior at Punahou who won the gold award (one of six girls selected nationally for this honor, the equivalent of the Boy Scout Eagle rank). The "Women of Distinction" reception and silent auction start at 5:30 p.m., with a dinner and program 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom; $100. Call 595-8400, ext. 213.

Pen-and-ink Buddha

Osamu Tezuka's acclaimed manga (Japanese comics) series about the life of the Buddha is being published as an eight-volume graphic novel. Tezuka was a doctor before turning his attention to comic storytelling. He is credited with introducing historical and philosophical themes to the genre, and his simple, expressive illustration style inspired thousands of imitators. The first volume was released last month. Vol. 2 hits the shelves this month.

Dueling film festivals

A tiff between directors of the upstart Cinema Paradise film festival and the relatively venerable Hawai'i International Film Festival has exposed rifts between the organizations.

When Cinema Paradise director Sergio Goes showed up to collect a delegate pass at HIFF last week, his access had been limited. Goes says HIFF executive director Chuck Boller told him he wouldn't be allowed into private parties and functions because he was a "competitor." Goes is peeved because he says Cinema Paradise is no threat to HIFF but is an added cultural option.

Boller said Goes (who plans to attend) was given access to HIFF films and a reception with filmmakers. He said HIFF wishes Goes "only the best with Cinema Paradise."

What wasn't mentioned was that a former board member and major sponsor of HIFF, Movie Museum owner Dwight Damon, transferred his support to Cinema Paradise last year.

Bring on the toy guns

Parenthood stats you'd like to know:

Just a few more parents think it's OK to let your baby sleep in your bed than not. And most say playing with toy guns is not a problem. Those are the results of an online Parents Magazine poll, in the Nov. issue, based on replies from more than 2,000 readers who responded online.