Exercises for TV junkies
By Devin Rose
Chicago Tribune
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Try our program to help even the most workout-averse couch potato squeeze in some reps between television segments.
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Admit it, couch potatoes: You can usually find time for your favorite TV drama or sitcom, ballgame or talk show. And with the new TV season under way, there's plenty of must-see viewing. With that in mind, we have devised and tried a workout you can do in front of the tube heck, you don't even have to leave the couch for most of the moves.
Walter Pukala, aquatic coordinator, "boot camp" fitness and cycling instructor, and personal trainer at Galter LifeCenter in Chicago, gave us a major boost by suggesting and demonstrating moves.
"Any kind of exercise is better than nothing," said Pukala. "Couch potatoes get into a lazy routine. ... Hopefully, by having them at least do something, they'll catch the bug and want to do more."
Before starting, find some light hand weights; nothing fancy is required. "Substitute beer cans full for more weight soda or water bottles, the kids, the dog, even a loved one, if they're not couch potatoes themselves," Pukala suggested. (We used water bottles and Appy, a friend's Yorkshire terrier.) Also, have drinking water and a towel nearby.
Ready? Not so fast. Take a quick walk to get the blood flowing first.
Also, remember to work out with fluid motions. Maintain good posture and don't lock your joints. Lift the weights slowly and easily, and don't work to the point of fatigue.
We've included segment and commercial times from the hourlong episode of "Law & Order" we used to sample our workout; with a little flexibility, you can adapt our workout to your favorite show.
Segment One
3 minutes
This segment sets up the whole show. Someone invariably stumbles upon a dead person, and you don't want to get distracted. So go for some easy stretching.
- Leg stretch: Lie on couch sideways with legs straight. Lift top leg, wrap arm around it and pull it toward you. Hold it for a few seconds, release, then repeat a few times. On last one, alternate flexing and pointing your toes. Switch sides. (Do every exercise the same number of times on each side.)
- Neck stretch: Sitting or standing, gently roll your neck clockwise, then counterclockwise a few times. Tilt head to left and gently pull toward shoulder with left hand. Repeat on right side.
3 minutes
- Cardio: Run in place, do jumping jacks or do a chore.
Segment Two
10 minutes
- Weightlifting with cans or bottles or dogs: Do reps slowly, with light weights 15 reps or so on each side. Do bicep curls, overhead tricep curls, overhead presses, forward or to-the-side, straight-armed lifts.
4 minutes
- Cardio: We tore downstairs and put clothes in the dryers, ran back up, lifted the dog for good measure.
Segment Three
7 minutes
- Resistance exercises: If you're alone, sit on the couch, wrap a towel around one foot and pull on the towel while pushing with your foot. Keep knee slightly bent. After 10 seconds, release; repeat a few times, then switch sides. If someone is beside you, sit face to face on the couch, bent legs in front of you a foot or so off the couch, press your soles against each other's and push.
2 minutes
- Cardio: We played tug-of-war with the dog, ran in circles.
Segment Four
8 minutes
- Pushups: Do them against the wall if you're so inclined. Keeping your back straight, shoulders back and knees bent slightly, stand about a foot away from the wall. Rest palms on the wall, fingers spread. Push up with fluid motion.
- Ab curls: Lie on your back on the couch, knees bent and hands behind your head. Using abdomen muscles, curl forward slightly. Do these for a bit, then lie on your side and curl upward sideways, using your oblique, or side abdomen, muscles. Switch sides. Next, lie on your back with hands behind your head and knees bent. Move right leg so right ankle rests on top of left knee. Curl up so left elbow and right knee touch. Switch sides.
4 minutes
- Cardio: We ran to the corner store for bottled water.
Segment Five
6 minutes
- Squats: Standing straight with feet shoulder-length apart, squat slightly, as if you're about to sit in a chair. Keep your heels on the floor, and don't let your knees go farther forward than your toes . Keep your shoulders square and your gut stable, and look straight ahead. Hold for just a second, then gently stand back up. Do a handful, take a 30-second rest, then do some more.
- Lunges: With legs slightly spread, lift one leg, then place it down a few feet in front of the other. Bend legs and ease yourself downward, lift back up and return to starting position.
3 minutes
- Cardio: We ran downstairs, snagged clothes from the dryer.
Segment Six
10 minutes
- Cool down: Sit back, take slow, deep breaths. Then do a full body stretch lie facedown on the couch with arms and legs straight, then reach as far as you can with your fingers and toes.
Or, do it standing: Bend knees slightly, round your back and bend forward, with arms dangling. Slowly uncurl, one vertebra at a time, until you're standing straight. As you're uncurling, start to lift arms, so that by the time you're standing they're overhead. Reach for the sky.