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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Friends who care about Peggy Chun

Advertiser Staff

Peggy Chun
A couple of hundred of Peggy Chun's best friends raised $50,000 at a luncheon yesterday at Compadres Bar & Grill to help the Honolulu artist with expenses related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Compadres founder Rick Enos summed up Chun's contributions the community when he said that charitable organizations here have probably realized more money from the sale of her artwork than she has.

Chun is hospitalized and couldn't be at the event, which featured entertainment by her good friends Nona, Keola and Moana Beamer, and a live auction with master of ceremonies Mike Buck. But just before she underwent surgery last week, Chun recorded a characteristically self-effacing and humorous message: "I am OK, I just continue to accessorize," she said, referring to her new ventilator. Her husband, Elroy Chun, added a further message from her: "Love is all that matters."