Elza Lea Suguitan Abella, daughter of Teresita Talledo, and Richard Sambrano Barba, son of Aster and Teresita Barba and Evangeline Barba, were married Oct. 18 at Central Union Church. The reception followed at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. The bride (1996 Pearl City High/2000 Heald College), now Elza Lea Abella Barba, is a manufacturing equipment technician. The groom (1992 Waipahu High/UH-Manoa bachelor's) is also a manufacturing equipment technician. The couple lives in San Jose, Calif.
Maile Tanea Kamikawa, daughter of Stanley and Renee Kamikawa, and Chad Matthew Abas, son of Antonio Abas and Gladys Viloria, were married Aug. 23 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, where the reception followed. The bride is now Maile Tanea Abas. The couple lives in Wahiawa.
Mimi Madsen and Robert Mix were married March 30 at the Kahala Mandarin Oriental Hotel, where the reception followed. The bride, now Mimi Mix, is a nurse and has two daughters, Katrina Kinney, 17, and Natalie Kinney, 12. The groom is a pilot and has a daughter, Nicole Mix, 6. The family lives in 'Ewa Beach.
Alma Marantan Trinidad, daughter of Pedro and Sionita Trinidad of Kunia, and Hongkham Ouanesisouk, son of the late Outha Ouanesisouk of Kahuku, were married Aug. 16 at St. Philomena Catholic Church. The reception was held at the Hawaii Okinawa Cultural Center. The bride (Mililani High/UH-Manoa, bachelor's/University of Michigan, master's), now Alma Marantan Ouanesisouk Trinidad, is a social work researcher. The groom (Kahuku High/UH-Manoa, bachelor's), now Hongkham Trinidad Ouanesisouk, is a laboratory manager. The couple lives in Honolulu.