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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Thursday, November 27, 2003

Tryouts Calendar

Advertiser Staff


Annalisa Films holding open casting call for volunteers (for film credit and VHS copy of completed film only) for experimental-drama and comedy roles in short student films. Looking for local and Asian or hapa-haole actors, age 20 to early 30s, to portray surfers, beach-goers and car racers; also seeking a bilingual, Japanese-speaking actress for a larger role and voice-overs. Send head shot and letter of interest to Annalisa Films, P.O. Box 4999, Kane'ohe, HI 96744, or e-mail Deadline is Sunday.

Kaimuki High School auditions for the February and March production of OThe Melody Lingers On,î a musical based on the life of Irving Berlin, to be presented in the high schoolÍs auditorium. Auditions are open to public elementary, intermediate and high school students and recent graduates. Rehearsals after school and some weekends begin in January. Auditions for actors and singers, 2:30-6 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday; dancers, 2:30-6 p.m. Dec. 4; and callbacks 2:30-6 p.m. Dec. 5. 733-4913.

Roger Downing seeks actors for a Shakespearian musical comedy to be produced in January. Call 772-0442 or e-mail Deadline is Dec. 12.


New Image Talent 2000 seeks female hip-hop and R&B singers and male dancers for an existing project. Singers and dancers from all islands are invited to audition on O'ahu or Maui. Call for audition dates and locations: (808) 579-9721, (808) 283-8657. Deadline is Dec. 11.

Taize Choir, learn chants used in communal prayer, 12:30 p.m. Sundays, Parke Chapel (next to St. Andrew's Cathedral). 234-5282.

Hawai'i Vocal Arts Ensemble auditions for singers with clear, flexible voices for the coming season of performances. Auditions at 4 p.m. Sundays. Call for an appointment, 261-6495, or e-mail

O'ahu Civic Orchestra invites musicians to join rehearsals at 7 p.m. Mondays, Eiben Hall, Chaminade University. 261-6127, 735-5726.

Na Leo Lani Chorus, HawaiUi chapter of Sweet Adelines International, is looking for new members. Rehearsals 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Saint Francis School auditorium. 944-3373.

Honolulu Chorale rehearses for the new concert season, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, St. AndrewÍs Priory. 524-0815, ext. 257.

Chaminade University Chorus invites experienced singers to join this community chorus. Rehearsals 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays, Room 201, Eiben Hall, on the campus. 261-6495 or

Sounds of Aloha Barbershop Chorus seeks new members. Male singers of all levels and vocal parts sought for four-part, barbershop-style, a cappella harmony. Rehearsals 7 p.m. Thursdays, Ala Wai Golf Course clubhouse. 262-7664.

Expressions by choice, an organization for avant-garde artists, seeks musicians, vocalists, groups and bands to audition for bimonthly performances. Call for audition location and dates: 593-3682.


Female contestants Sought for the Miss Teen Hawaiian Islands, ages 13-17, and Miss Hawaiian Islands, ages 18-26, for the Dec. 20 pageant. Winner continues to the National Miss South Pacific Scholarship Pageant. Entry fee is $50. 671-2429, 223-4482. Deadline is Dec. 5.

Male Contestants Sought for the Prince and Master Hawaiian Islands, ages 7-17, and the Men of Polynesia, age 18 and older, for the Dec. 20 pageant. Entry fee is $50. 671-2429, 223-4482. Deadline is Dec. 5.

V International Productions seeks high school students to model in Prom Fashion Show 2004 to held Feb. 7 at Mamiya Theatre. Females must be at least 5 feet 3 inches and males must be at least 5 feet 7 inches. Submit a head shot and body shot with your name, phone number, height, grade level and school, to 904 Kohou St. #303, Honolulu, HI 96817. 842-0881. No entry fee. Deadline is Dec. 31.

V International Productions seeks contestants, ages 4-29, for the 2004 V International Pageant to be held Feb. 7. Registration fee is $35 with an entry fee of $299 (with possibilities for sponsorships and fund-raising). 842-0881. Deadline is Dec. 31.

Send announcements to: Tryouts Calendar, Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Call 525-8034, fax 525-8055, or e-mail with "Tryouts Cal" in the subject line.