Posted on: Sunday, November 30, 2003
'Warrior King' makes youth yearn to learn
By Wanda Adams
Advertiser Books Editor
"Kamehameha The Warrior King of Hawai'i," by Susan Morrison; University of Hawai'i Press, paper, $12.95 This short, easy-to-read paperback brings together all the familiar stories of the life of Hawai'i's greatest king.
Clearly meant as a teaching tool for older children, the book includes additional materials, such as a mele inoa (name song) for Kamehameha, a list of key dates in Kamehameha's life, a glossary of terms and a bibliography.
In keeping with contemporary standards for well-researched history, Morrison doesn't overly romanticize the story, weaves cultural practices into the telling and makes clear her sources for each piece of information. However, the main body of the book is a flowing, readable story that both educates and entertains.