Posted at 11:49 a.m., Friday, October 3, 2003
HPD to test potential candidates in Oregon
By Rod Ohira
Advertiser Staff Writer
In recent years, a number of HPD officers have left the Islands for higher paying jobs on the Mainland, including in the Pacific Northwest.
Three detectives and three staff members from HPDs Career Center will administer written tests on Nov. 5-6 at a hotel near the airport in Portland. Detective David Do said the group can test up to 300 people.
As of Aug. 31, HPD had 260 vacancies and 138 recruits are training to fill some of those positions, said Do. The Nov. 5-6 testing is just the first step toward qualifying for the 149th recruit class, which begins training in August 2004.
Lt. Bob Tome, the Career Center supervisor, said interest from potential candidates across the Mainland and a turn in the economy on West Coast factored into the decision to go out of state. HPD does not know how many people will actually show up to take the test, said Tome.
Interest has been nationwide. The Career Center has potential candidates from Oregon, Washington, New York, Florida, Connecticut, Nevada, Alabama and Mississippi.
They usually have to take a minimum of three trips to Hawaii at their own expense to start the process, Do said. Going to Oregon is an attempt to meet them halfway.
Tome noted that some officers who left HPD to work in the northwest have expressed interest in returning to Hawaii.
Reach Rod Ohira at 535-8181 or