Lessons in good manners for kids begin with basics
By Doreen Nagle
Gannett News Service
Children with good manners stand out, offering them greater opportunities to get ahead. Isn't that what we want for our kids?
Ask your children to think through how they like to be treated by others; this puts their common sense into action.
Learning all the rules of etiquette can be a time-consuming and overwhelming task even for adults. Start with a few basics then build on those.
Children should be taught to practice manners in school, at home, with family members, in restaurants and other public places, as well as when they are with friends. The goal is to have good manners become second nature.
There are a few basic manners:
Cover faces when sneezing or coughing. Say, "excuse me."
Always use the "magic" words: "please," "may I," "thank you" and "you're welcome."
Grabbing from others is a no-no. A child should ask, "May I play (see or touch) that?"
Chewing with mouth closed and lips together is the only acceptable way to eat when around other people.
Doreen Nagle is author of "But I Don't Feel Too Old to be a Mommy."