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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Thursday, October 16, 2003

Island artists will release a spate of new CDs

By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Writer

ON THE RECORD: Watch for a torrent of top-notch CDs to be released over the next few weeks, perhaps signaling the jingle of cash registers at Christmas time. Among the products coming out: Keali'i Reichel's "Keala'okamaile," said to be equal to or better than his debut "Kawaipunahele," with its genealogical theme (and homage to his late grandmother). It's expected Nov. 18. ...

"Amy and Willie Live," culled from a nine-city Mainland tour, reunites Amy Hanaiali'i Gilliom and Willie K, expected in stores Nov. 4, along with new CDs by Makana and Owana Salazar. ...

Ho'okena's "Cool Elevation" arrives Nov. 11; ditto, "The Best of Fiji," a compilation of Fiji's top tracks. ...

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STAR WATCH: The aforementioned Gilliom was joined by Jake Shimabukuro and The Makaha Sons at the Hawai'i Alliance for Arts Education's Alliance Awards 2003 Saturday night at the Hawai'i Theatre. Honoree Bob Midkiff — a honcho in the Hawai'i Theatre's ongoing campaign ($300,000 to go, with $3 million already raised) to renovate the exterior and marquee — sang two tunes with Gilliom. OK, he raises money better than he holds notes, but Midkiff's zeal was the hit of the evening. Nice, too, to experience the 'uke-strumming Shimabukuro work in tandem with a Hawai'i Youth Symphony string quartet; and a curtain-closing jam with Louis "Moon" Kauakahi, Jerome Koko and John Koko of the Sons and Gilliom and Shimabukuro. And golly, though she's retired from active performances, wasn't the evening's hostess, Elizabeth Lindsey Buyers, the cat's meow in her just-before-the-final curtain hula? ...

And did you catch Shimabukuro on the Michael W. Perry and Larry Price Hanohano Room show last Saturday? His mom, Carol, his first 'ukulele instructor, was coaxed to sing "Sweet and Low," with son strumming — the first time the pair had entertained together on radio. With Sony Music Japan reps in town, Shimabukuro was enthusiastic about Mom's vocal prowess; he's thinking of putting her to work on his next Sony CD. ...

FYI, The Makaha Sons won't be at their usual Chai's Island Bistro slot tomorrow and Oct. 24. ...

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WHEE, THE PEOPLE: Bryan D. Furer, the town's leading makeup artist, has teamed up with D.J. Colbert (narrator) on an instructional video to create faces of fantasy, particularly for the Halloween season. The VHS release (a DVD version is anticipated) is on sale at Prosperity Corner in Kaimuki. It is a valuable primer in creating a variety of bizarre, beautiful and fanciful looks, not only for the bewitching season but for any costume party. Basic techniques and makeup application are shared; instructions walk you through add-ons (fake noses, third eye, werewolf wig, etc.) and offer step-by-step tips on color-coordination, shadows for special effects, and — this is the stuff boys eat up — how to get wounds to appear real and icky. Models sit through the conversion from mundane looks to scary souls. Details: 732-8870 or www.prosperitycorner.com. ...

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SHORTS OF SORTS: Brickwood Galuteria will be joined by Buddy and Sammi Fo tomorrow and Oct. 24 at Brew Moon, since Imaikalani Young (Imai & Friends) will be on vacation. ...

Pianist Jeffrey Swann performs at 4 p.m. Sunday at The Doris Duke Theatre at the Academy. It'll be a reunion of sorts with local piano teacher Ernest Chang — they both studied with Madame Adele Marcus at Juilliard. Swann is known as "Uncle Jeffrey Swann" at the Chang studio. Tickets: $25 for the public, $22 for academy members, with proceeds supporting youth scholarships. ...

And that's Show Biz. ...

Reach Wayne Harada at wharada@honoluluadvertiser.com, 525-8067 or fax 525-8055.