Advertiser Staff
If you have a question or concern about the accuracy, fairness or thoroughness of an item in The Honolulu Advertiser, please call Reader Representative Anne Harpham at 525-8033.
• The winner of the Ka Palapala Po'okela Award for Excellence in Children's Illustrative or Photographic Books is "Fables from the Deep" by Leslie Ann Hayashi, illustrated by Kathleen Wong Bishop (Mutual Publishing). The book's title was incorrect in an Island Life listing posted Sunday.
• Former state insurance commissioner Linda Chu Takayama has never worked for the McCorriston Miho Miller Mukai law firm. An Associated Press story posted yesterday contained incorrect information.
• In addition to an ESPN2 broadcast of an Ironman Triathlon World Championship 25th anniversary show, NBC affiliate KHNL-8 will televise an Ironman program Dec. 6 at noon. Information in a Business story posted yesterday was incomplete.