Art Calendar
| Women in Korean Art
"Women in Korean Art and Culture," a free public lecture by distinguished art historian and writer Yi Song-mi, will take place at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Doris Duke Theater at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. For more information about the exhibit or the lecture, call the art museum at 532-8700 or take a look at |
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"The Art of Prayer ... The Prayer of Art," display of artifacts, icons, rosaries, paintings and statues, 2-6 p.m. today, Holy Trinity Church, Hawai'i Kai; free. 396-0551, ext. 2.
"E Holomua I KA Na'auao (Progress through Knowledge)," dedication of a cast bronze sculpture by Karen Lucas, 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School, Lihu'e, Kaua'i; free. (808) 241-3200.
Ronaldo Macedo, meet the artist reception, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Lahaina Galleries in the Shops at Wailea, Maui; free. (808) 874-8583.
"Stairway to Heaven," lecture by Pratapaditya Pal on the Himalayas in the myth and art of South Asia, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Doris Duke Theatre at the Academy. 532-8700.
Art in the Village, art signings, talk story and demonstrations, pupu and hula, sponsored by the art galleries at Whalers Village, 6-10 p.m. Thursdays, Whalers Village, Ka'anapali, Maui; free. (808) 661-4567.
"The Marquesas: Archaeology in the Polynesian Heartland," slide lecture by Barry Rolett, 7 p.m. Thursday, Hawaiian Missions Children's Society Library, Mission Houses Museum; free. 531-0481.
Hawai'i State Art Museum's First Birthday, entertainment, art activities for adults and children, and self-guided museum tours, 10:30 a.m. (opening ceremony and lion dance) through 3 p.m. Saturday, museum lawn; free admission with free parking at state lots in the downtown area. Information: 586-0900,
Ten Years of the KOA Award, multimedia exhibition of works by former winners of the college's Koa awards, opens Wednesday, through Nov. 20; Koa Gallery at Kapi'olani Community College. 734-9375.
"Images in Gouache," works by Norman Nagai, opens Saturday with a reception 5:30-8:30 p.m., through Nov. 30; Tradewinds Gallery. 236-2787.
"Aloha Aina," photographic images from the students at Kamakau School, opens Saturday, through Nov. 30; Pacific Traditions Gallery. 531-5122.
"Dancers II," prints, etchings and watercolors by Joan Allen, opens Nov. 1, through Nov. 30; Ko'olau Gallery. 988-4147.
Works by Wayne Levin and Brian Dugan, photography from Wayne Levin and fused glass by Brian Dugan, through Monday; Discover Wikoloa Art Gallery, Kohala, Big Island. (808) 886-2199.
41st Hawaii Watercolor Society Open Show, juried by Arne Westerman, through Wednesday, Pauahi Towers, Bishop Square. 521-9799.
Things Japanese Sale, one-of-a-kind items including kokeshi dolls, calligraphy scrolls, woodblock prints and straw slippers, through Wednesday; Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii. 945-7633.
Crossings 2003: Korea/Hawai'i, through Friday; Honolulu Hale. 523-4674.
"Kaulunani," the Year of the Hawaiian Forest poster contest winners, through Thursday; Lane Gallery, Honolulu Hale. 523-4674.
"Four Artists Explore Taijiquan," works by Janet Bond, Dieter Runge, Karen Lee and Bonnie McNeill, through Thursday; Soullenz Gallery. 291-2650.
"Taiyo (The Sun)," exhibit of photographs by Shuro Matsumoto, through Thursday; Canon Photo Gallery. 522-5930.
"Pinholes, Puddles and Prints," group show by students of Stan Tomita, through Friday; Commons Gallery, UH-Manoa Art Building. 956-8251.
"Beyond Ordinary," oils by Korean artist Han Jeung-Sun, through Friday; Smith Street Galleries. 521-1812.
"Frog Friends," stoneware frogs by Chris Brown, through Friday; Ko'olau Gallery. 988-4147.
"Windward Dreams," new work by Carol St. James, through Friday; Tradewinds Gallery. 236-2787.
Paintings by Daniel Wang, winner of the 2001-02 Hawai'i Wildlife Conservation Stamp Contest displays his work, through Friday; Volcano Joe's Island Bistro and CoffeeHouse. 941-8449.
"Ka Holo He'e Nalu (Wave Riders)," surfing memorabilia and vintage Hawaiian boards assembled by Rolland Tang, through Friday; Outrigger Reef on the Beach lobby. 923-3111.
"Life in Paradise," watercolor batiks by Marti Weise Rounds, through Friday; Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens. 233-7323.
Works by Derrick Ching, Judy Nelson, and Joe Fortunato, through Friday; Waialua Library. 637-8286.
"Oil and Water do mix," recent oil paintings by Warren Stenberg and watercolors by Dolores Manijo, through Friday; Assagio Italian Restaurant, Kailua. 261-2772.
"Equestre," abstract works by Luigi Fumagalli, through Friday; Laser Eye Center of Hawaii. 946-6000.
"Printmakers of Hawaii, 1920-1973," works in various media from Hawai'i's print artists, through Friday; Mauna Kea Galleries, Waimea, Big Island. (808) 887-2244.
19th Annual Helen M. Cassidy Memorial Juried Art Show, art in nine categories of media, through Friday; Firehouse Gallery, Waimea, Big Island. (808) 887-1052.
"Rag Bare Series: Personal Icons," new paintings by Arthur Nelander, through Saturday; Studio One Gallery. 550-8701.
ONGOING EXHIBITS (listed by closing date)
Hawai'i Craftsmen Annual Juried Exhibition, new multimedia works created by artists and craftsmen, through Nov. 2; Academy Art Center at Linekona. 532-8701.
"Chanoyu 2003 Ceramic Implements for Tea," exhibit of pieces for a Japanese tea ceremony, through Nov. 2; Mezzanine Gallery, Academy Art Center at Linekona. 532-8701.
"Day of the Dead," exhibit of works by Joey Chiarello, Mike Cueva, May Izumi, Jo Rowley, Franco Salmoiraghi and Esther Shimazu, through Nov. 2; workspace. 732-2300.
"Contemporary Paintings by Cora Yee and Mark N. Brown," through Nov. 5; Atelier 4 Fine Art Gallery. 524-3552.
Crossings 2003: Korea/Hawai'i, installation art from seven contemporary Korean artists, through Nov. 7; University of Hawai'i Art Gallery. 956-6888.
Crossings 2003: Korea/Hawai'i, works by contemporary Korean craft artists, through Nov. 9; Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
Crossings 2003: Korea/Hawai'i, ten contemporary Korean painters, through Nov. 14; East-West Center Gallery. 944-7111.
Works of Page Chang, oil painting on display, through Nov. 15; Livingston Galleries, Crouching Lion Inn, Ka'a'awa. 237-7165.
Crossings 2003: Korea/Hawai'i, multi-media exhibit from contemporary Korean artists, through Nov. 16; The Contemporary Museum at Makiki Heights. 526-1322.
"Reflections of Two Worlds: A Korean American Heritage Metal work by Komelia Hongja Okim," silver and mixed-metal sculptures and silver hollowware and figurative forms, through Nov. 16; Graphics Arts Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"The Place I Live In," collaborative print project between 10 artists from the Honolulu Printmakers and 10 artists from Pro-Graph of the Netherlands, through Nov. 21; Hawai'i Pacific University Art Gallery, Kane'ohe. 544-0287.
"Vintage Hawaii I," new paintings by Susie Y. Anderson and Paintings by Doug Young; "Kalakoa," jewelry by Charlene Tashima and Joel Park; and "Cobalt Blue," decorative ceramic objects by Esther Nowell; through Nov. 25 with an opening reception 3-5 p.m. on Saturday; The Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.
Ka Wehena, contemporary Hawaiian art from Ka Maka O Ka Ihe, UH-Manoa Hawaiian student art organization, through Nov. 30; Aupuni Artwall Native Books. 596-8885.
Works by Peter Hayward and Brady Churchill, through Nov. 30; Cedar Street Galleries. 589-1580.
"The Marquesas: Two Centuries of Cultural Traditions," historical and cultural artifacts, tapa cloth, wood, ivory, bone and coconut carvings, musical instruments, jewelry and photographs, through Dec. 4; Mission Houses Museums, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays; admission to exhibition: $6, admission to exhibition and guided tour of the homes: $12. 531-0481.
"Wrappings of Happiness: a Traditional Korean Art Form," exhibit of textiles from the largest private collection from the Museum of Korean Embroidery in Seoul, South Korea, through Dec. 7; Asian Temporary Exhibition Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"Grandfather's House: A Children's Exhibition on Korea," traveling interactive installation invites viewers into a traditional Korean home, through Dec. 31; Education Wing Galleries, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"Brett Weston in Hawaii," photographs from Weston's book "Hawaii, Leaves and Lava," through Jan. 4; Holt Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
Contemporary Korean-American Artists of Hawai'i, part of the Crossings 2003: Korea/Hawai'i exhibits; "Recent work by Sean K.L. Browne" and "Hawai'i It's Land and Culture," photographs by Elaine Mayes, all through Jan. 6; The Contemporary Museum at First Hawaiian Center. 526-1322.
"Gems from the East and West," jewelry from the personal collection of Doris Duke, through Jan. 4; Textiles Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"The Pacific Islands," permanent installation from the art museum's collection, including "Barkcloth of the Pacific," examples of kapa (tapa) from the textile collection, ongoing; second floor galleries, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8700.
"ARTs of the Philippines," permanent exhibition of works from the art museum's collection, ongoing, George and Nancy Ellis Gallery of Filipino Arts, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"Enriched by Diversity: the Art of Hawai'i," multimedia exhibit by 284 local artists, ongoing; The Hawai'i State Art Museum. 586-0900.
OTHER VENUES (listed by closing date)
"Hold and Behold," works by Anne Irons, Peter Murray and Deborah Nehmad, through Dec. 29; Honolulu Country Club Art Gallery. 428-0804.
NEIGHBOR ISLANDS (listed by closing date)
Vessel Exhibit, mixed-media works on the concept of vessels, through Nov. 9; Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center, Makawao, Maui. (808) 572-6560.
"Visions of Grace," pastel oil paintings by Julie Houck, through Nov. 12; Volcano Art Center Gallery. (808) 967-7565.
ART KAuai 2003, works from Kauai Society of Artists members juried by Rich Richardson, through Nov. 23; Kaua'i Village Shopping Center, Waipouli, Kaua'i. (808) 332-7776.
Selected Works from the John Young Foundation, examples of the artist's Chinese brush and ink wash, oil paintings and mixed-media works, through Nov. 23; Schaefer International Gallery, Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Kahului, Maui. (808) 242-2787.
"Archiving Photographs, Text and works on paper," tools and methods of creating a digital archive of drawings, illustrations, photographs, documents and images, taught by Ella Constantinescu and Robert Joseph, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, UH-Downtown, Suite 10 Pioneer Plaza; $125. Register for class L06466. 586-3860.
"On Location," a series of three classes on low-budget video and film production: "Lighting" taught by Dean Des Jarlais, Saturday; also, "Camera" taught by Doug Olivares, Nov. 8; "Sound" taught by John Reynolds, Nov. 15; all classes 9 a.m.-4 p.m., UH-Manoa, Krauss 012, Yukiyoshi Room;$85 for each class. 956-8400.
Private Art Classes, develop self-expression and creativity through learning to draw, paint and collage. Ongoing classes in all levels by appointment, 'Aina Haina. Call for fee and class schedule: 222-1794.
Girl Fest Zineletter asks for submissions of artworks, cartoons, poetry, political commentary, movie reviews and articles with a woman or girl theme. Visit to view the latest edition. Send submissions via e-mail to Yumiko Seki at Artwork must be submitted in jpeg format with a dpi of 200 or greater. Deadline: Nov. 15.
2004 Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition, print works in any media except photography sought for the Feb. 6-April 9 exhibit at UH-Hilo. For eligibility and other requirements see or e-mail Deadline: Nov. 21.
Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens announces their annual "Frogs and Garden Critters Art Contest," for three-dimensional works on a garden creature theme. Call for complete rules and application: 233-7323. Deadline: Nov. 29.