Posted on: Saturday, September 6, 2003
Advertiser Staff
The first Hale Ki'i 'Oni'oni Award for local filmmakers is presented by the Movie Museum in conjunction with the Cinema Paradise Film Festival. The award includes a $5,000 cash prize. An incorrect name for the award was given on Page E5 yesterday.
Kahuku High class of '59 is holding a reunion Oct. 2 at the California Hotel, Las Vegas; 625-0313; Kaimuki High class of '59 is holding a reunion 5:30 to midnight, Oct. 16, 2004, at the Hale Koa Hotel; 735-3994, 839-1268,, de Listings for these reunions were incorrect on Page E9 Sunday.
The Austria-Hungarian Monarchy was a country in central Europe from 1867 until 1918. A story on Page B1 Thursday incorrectly indicated the country was in existence in 1921.