Q & A
Dictionaries online can help you get it right
By Kim Komando
Gannett News Service
Q. Can you tell me more about online dictionaries? This would be a great bookmark for my son in school.
A. Merriam-Webster (www.m-w.com) has a free dictionary and thesaurus. The unabridged dictionary, a reverse dictionary, an atlas and a rhyming dictionary cost $29.95 per year. Also, Dictionary.com draws from American Heritage and Webster Revised. The dictionary is free, as is a grammar guide and a thesaurus. Subscribers get medical and legal dictionaries. A subscription is $19.95 annually.
Q. I use Microsoft Office 2000. Is there a way that I can send a document without opening Outlook?
A. When you need to send a document in a hurry, do it from within Microsoft Word. With the document open, from the File menu, select Send To, then click Mail Recipient (as Attachment). Fill in the Recipient, Subject and message boxes, and finally, click Send. This also works in Excel and PowerPoint.