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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, September 15, 2003


Advertiser Staff

YWCA camp gets $176,000

The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation awarded $176,000 to the YWCA of O'ahu for improvements to Camp Kokokahi in Kane'ohe. Money will be used to install bleachers in the Midkiff Gymnasium and to pay initial expenses for reconstruction of the Kokokahi pier.

The YWCA of O'ahu also received two grants for Camp $tart-Up, a financial literacy and entrepreneurial camp for teen women, ages 14 to 19. The Bernice and Conrad VonHamm Fund contributed $4,000 to support Camp $tart-Up. Friends of Hawaii Charities contributed $5,000 to support the new program. The YWCA launched this eight-day summer camp at Camp Kokokahi in Kane'ohe in July 2003.

Firm donates proceeds

For the past six years, Lappert's Hawai'i, makers of premium ice cream, coffee and baked goods in Hanapepe, Kaua'i, has had a booth at the Koloa Plantation Days Hoolaulea, a Sheraton Kauai Resort block party. Over that six-year period, Lappert's has donated more than $30,000 in proceeds to the community.

The first two years Lappert's donated all of the booth proceeds to the Sheraton Kaua'i to help offset their costs and make the event a success. The past four years Lappert's has donated more than $20,000 to Holy Cross Boy Scout Troop 334, its selected beneficiary, and another $11,000 in products and employee time.

Maternity group receives $10,000

The Hawai'i Primary Care Association received a $10,000 grant from the Kekumuola Fund of Hawai'i Community Foundation to help those involved in maternity care teams.

Part of the money has been used to purchase "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth," a book that has been donated to the Hawai'i State Library in honor of women's health and to benefit the public. Donations of the book have also been made to other organizations to support the perinatal profession and their clientele.

Energy project plans classes

The Kohala Center has received a $5,000 grant from New Moon Fund of the Hawai'i Community Foundation to support its Hawai'i Island Energy Roundtable project. The money will be used to sponsor green development workshops for architects, engineers, planners, developers and contractors as part of an Energy Roundtable effort to encourage efficient, clean and responsible use of island resources.

The workshops on Dec. 4 and 5 will be open to the public. Advance registration required. For more information call 887-6411.

Opera program gets $5,000

Hawai'i Opera Theatre has received a $5,000 grant from the Knudsen Sinclair Fund to underwrite its HOT Opera Express education program. HOT Opera Express is a touring production of a customized opera masterpiece that visits elementary schools throughout the state annually, providing Hawai'i youth with arts experience while enhancing school curriculum.

Hawai'i Opera Theatre reaches nearly 20,000 students each year through education programs supported by donors. Through these programs awareness of this unique art form is raised and the next generation of artists and audiences is developed.