O'ahu's water consumption drops notably
Advertiser Staff
Source: Board of Water Supply
Recent heavy rains led to a significant drop in water use on O'ahu this past week, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply reported.
Water use down
Week ending
Sept. 17
Sept. 10
Sept. 3
Aug. 27
Aug. 20
Aug. 13
Aug. 6
July 30
* million gallons per day
For the week ending Wednesday, water use averaged 159.97 million gallons per day, nearly 9.5 million gallons less than the previous week. During the same week last year, water consumption was 170.25 million gallons per day.
Water use was down in all six districts on O'ahu, the water board said. The drop in water use and frequent rain helped to "nudge" water levels at key monitor stations, the board said.
The Board of Water Supply early this summer asked for voluntary water conservation because of drought conditions that have left water levels unusually low.
Correction: Water use on Oahu averaged 159.97 million gallons a day in the week ending Wednesday. A previous version of this story contained an incorrect number.