Music industry settles 52 of 261 file-swapping suits
By Ted Bridis
Associated Press
WASHINGTON The recording industry yesterday announced settlements with 52 of the 261 Internet users it sued over allegations they illegally permitted others to download music from their computers using file-sharing software.
The Recording Industry Association of America, which plans to file hundreds more lawsuits in October, did not specify how much it collected. Defense lawyers familiar with some cases said payments ranged from $2,500 to $7,500 each, with at least one settlement for as much as $10,000.
The settlements, which do not include any admission of wrongdoing, require Internet users to destroy copies of illegally downloaded songs and agree to "not make any public statements that are inconsistent" with the agreement.
The RIAA, the trade group for the largest labels, said one dozen other Internet users also agreed to pay unspecified amounts after they learned they might be sued. They had previously been notified by their Internet providers that music lawyers were seeking their names to sue and agreed to pay to avoid a lawsuit.
"The music community's efforts have triggered a national conversation, especially between parents and kids, about what's legal and illegal when it comes to music on the Internet," RIAA President Cary Sherman said in a statement. "In the end it will be decided not in the courtrooms, but at kitchen tables across the country."
Just three weeks ago, the RIAA filed 261 lawsuits against what it described as "major offenders" illegally distributing on average more than 1,000 copyrighted music files each. Lawyers and activists said more settlements were inevitable.
"We don't know how many additional people are negotiating," said Fred von Lohmann, a lawyer for the San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation. "There could well be a large number of people deciding whether to write the check or not."
Daniel N. Ballard, a lawyer whose firm is representing at least four defendants, said the settlement offers he was familiar with between $3,000 and $4,000 appeared aimed at discouraging Internet users from hiring defense lawyers.
"It's a small enough number that it doesn't make economic sense to hire an attorney to litigate these," Ballard said.
The RIAA also said 838 people have requested amnesty from future lawsuits, in exchange for a formal admission they illegally shared music and a pledge to delete the songs off their computers. The offer does not apply to people who already are targets of legal action.
"I'm not surprised that 838 people have been intimidated into signing this," said Ballard, who noted there are roughly 62 million Americans who participate in file-sharing networks. He called those seeking amnesty a small ratio of total users.