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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Grants and awards

Advertiser Staff

Gifts aid Mental Health Kokua

The Samuel M. and Mary Castle Foundation gave $15,000 to Mental Health Kokua to cover the cost of accreditation by The Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission.

Accredited programs are in the areas of case management, community housing, crisis intervention and crisis stabilization.

In addition, Mental Health Kokua received a $10,000 grant from the Mary F. and Walter D. Freer Eleemosynary Trust and $7,500 from the Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation to buy furnishings and equipment for a new transitional residential program in Wailuku, Maui.

$18,000 raised to fight diabetes

Thirteen Jamba Juice stores on O'ahu raised $18,706 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation on April 13 during a fund-raising event.

The stores gave away a total of 12,169 free 24-ounce smoothies to customers who made a voluntary contribution to the foundation.

Grant supports car-seat safety

The Chamber of Commerce of Hawai'i has given a $5,000 grant to the Waimanalo Health Center's Keiki Car Seat Program.

The money will enable the health center to continue working with area residents to make sure their child safety seats are properly installed. During the past eight years, less than 8 percent of the seats checked at the Waimanalo Health Center were installed correctly.

For information on Keiki Car Seat Safety Check stations, call Ashlyn Kanuha at 259-7948, Ext. 133.

Big Island cancer program helped

The Adrienne Wong Toyozaki Fund of the Hawai'i Community Foundation has given $10,000 to the American Cancer Society to provide support services to Big Island women who have been diagnosed with cancer.

In addition, the Abraham and Annie Lau Children's Fund of the Hawai'i Community Foundation has given $1,250 to the American Cancer Society for its arts and crafts activities at the Camp Anuenue summer program.

'Radio-thon' raises $9,000

A "radio-thon" sponsored by station Island 98.5 raised more than $9,050 for Easter Seals Hawai'i. Listeners and passersby made donations as deejays Lanai, Augie and Crystal Akana broadcast live for 16 hours on April 17 from the Ward Entertainment Center.

"Each year, the staff at Island 98.5 work very hard for Easter Seals and the community support they receive is absolutely outstanding," said John Powell, president and CEO of Easter Seals Hawaii.

Youth program receives $10,000

First Hawaiian Foundation, the charitable arm of First Hawaiian Bank, has given $10,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Honolulu.

"We're pleased to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Honolulu with their 'Gourmet Affair' fund-raiser dinner," said Sharon Shiroma Brown, senior vice president of First Hawaiian Bank and president of First Hawaiian Foundation.

Tiki's gives $2,000 to Red Cross

Tiki's Bar & Grill in Waikiki has donated $2,460 to the Hawai'i State Chapter of the American Red Cross. The money was raised during Tiki's "Restaurant Day" event on March 24.

"Tiki's Bar & Grill has always stepped up ot the plate to help our community, and we are so grateful for their support of the Hawai'i Red Cross," said Hawai'i Red Cross CEO Coralie Chun Matayoshi.