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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, August 8, 2004

Art Calendar


Raku on the Beach, sponsored by Hawai'i Craftsmen, continues through Monday, Kualoa Regional Park, Kamehameha Highway between Waikane and Ka'a'awa; most events are free. Call for complete schedule: 596-8128.

Meet the Artists, in-store appearances by Jimmie Hepp, Deborah Sawyer, Monica Sweet, Danny Braddix Jr., Bill Tully and Garry Palm, during the Maui Onion Festival, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. today, Martin & MacArthur, Whalers Village, Ka'anapali, Maui; free. (808) 661-0088.

"Where in the World? Asia!" lion dance, kung-fu demonstration, Chinese dances and bamboo-flute performance, gallery hunt and keiki decorate a Chinese hat, refreshments, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. today, Honolulu Academy of Arts; free admission sponsored by the Bank of Hawaii and The Honolulu Advertiser. 532-8700.

The Yamato Tradition, exhibition of Japanese samurai swords from the Kamakura period (circa 1185) to the Muromachi period (c. 1573) and lectures by Mark W. Robinson and Gordon Robson, 5:30 p.m. tomorrow, Pacific Club; $20. 638-8920, 524-4450.

Lonely Scholars and Copycats, Myra Kent leads a tour of the academy's collection, 2:30-4 p.m. Tuesday, part of the "Tea and Tour" program, Honolulu Academy of Arts; free with $7 adult admission or $4 for senior, student and military admission. Reservations required: 532-8726.

Glass Sculptures, by Dale Chihuly and student work on display and for sale during the Downtown Hilo Heritage Walk, 5-9 p.m. Friday, Chase Gallery, Hilo, Big Island; free admission, proceeds benefit the Hawaii Center for Learning Through Art. (808) 987-9862.

Showcase 2004: Art to Go! Preview, with paintings by Kelly Sueda and ceramics by Vicky Chock featured among 500 works in various media from over 100 Island artists for sale prior to the private Showcase 2004 event, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Honolulu Academy of Arts; proceeds benefit the artists and the academy's children's art programs.

Three Cultures or One? lecture by Maria Rosa Menocal on the art of coexistence in medieval Spain among Muslims, Jews and Christians, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Doris Duke Theatre, Honolulu Academy of Arts; free. 532-8768.


"Enveloping Spiral Part II: Down Under," ceramics by Daven Hee, Tuesday through Sept. 10, bibelot gallery. 738-0368.

Works by Hugh Jenkins, Stephanie Ross and Mike Sakamoto, hand-blown glass and oil paintings on display, Wednesday through Aug. 31, Discover Waikoloa Gallery, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island. (808) 886-2199.

Mixed-media Art Show, watercolors, paintings, sculptures and beadwork from local artists, Thursday through Oct. 30 with a reception 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Waialua Public Library. 637-8286.

Gary Schneider Portraits, retrospective of photographs, Friday through Oct. 10, the Contemporary Museum, Makiki Heights. 526-1322.

New Works by Michael Furuya and Bridgette Adams, Friday through Sept. 30 with opening receptions 5-8 p.m. Friday and 1-5 p.m. Saturday, Cedar Street Galleries. 589-1580.

"Life After the Plantation," paintings, photographs and memorabilia depict the life of immigrant families in Hawai'i, Saturday through Aug. 25, Honolulu Hale. 523-4674.

"Spirit of the Dead Watching," examination of life and death by local artists in a variety of styles, Saturday through Sept. 17, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i Community Gallery. 945-7633.

"Lucky," paintings by SEVEN, a group of women artists: Nadine Ferraro, Kloe Kang, Karen Lee, Birgitta Leitner, Katherine Love, Mary Mitsuda and Yida Wang, Saturday through Sept. 9 with an opening reception 6-8 p.m. Saturday, workspace. 732-2300.

"Paintings and Drawings of Territorial Hawai'i," paintings, sketches and watercolors by Jan Schaafsma, covering the time period from 1910-1945, from the collection of the Schaafsma family and the Lyman Museum, Saturday through Feb. 5, at the museum in Hilo, Big Island. (808) 935-5021.


"Inspiration," works by David Behlke, through today, showing concurrently with production of "Jesus Christ Superstar," Diamond Head Theatre Lobby Gallery. 737-2757.

Landscape Art, group showing of plein-air art, through Friday, Gallery on the Pali. 595-4047.

Works by Keiko Thomas, watercolor paintings, and Vietnam Exhibition, hand-embroidered silk pictures from the Dalat Traditional Village and the XQ Embroiderers of Vietnam, both through Aug. 14, Hale'iwa Art Gallery. 637-3366.

ONGOING EXHIBITS (Listed by closing date)

"Benchmarks," recent works by the Catharine E. B. Cox Award winner, Lonny Tomono, through Aug. 22, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Graphic Arts Gallery. 532-8701.

"Cristina Rosa — Recent Works," paintings, prints and large-scale drawings, through Aug. 23, Studio 1 Gallery. 550-8701.

"On Golden Pod," recent work in wood, pods and other forms, by Michael Lee and "Faces and Places: Ireland Revisited," recent paintings by Helen Iaea, through Aug. 26, Gallery at Ward Centre. 597-8034.

"ha" paintings and sculpture by Imai Kalahale plus works by Bruce Behnke, Frances Hill and Gallyn and a retrospective of works by Louis Pohl, through Aug. 27, Louis Pohl Gallery, 1111 Nu'uanu Ave. 521-1812.

"For the Keiki," annual Association of Hawaii Artists members' show juried by Wayne Takazono, through Aug. 28, Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens Art Gallery. 233-7323.

"Tied, Bound, Folded and Stitched," exhibition of tie-dyed textiles from the academy's collection, through Aug. 29, Honolulu Academy of Arts Textile Gallery. 532-8701.

Works by Peggy Chun and Marc Turner, through Aug. 30, Atelier 4 Fine Art Gallery. 524-3552.

"Time Exposure/Durational Events," photography by Gary Nakamoto, through Aug. 30, Canon Photo Gallery. 522-5930.

"Midnight Bloom," acrylics on silk and limited edition prints by Spark Chan, through Aug. 31, Ko'olau Gallery at Manoa Marketplace. 988-4147.

Works by John Tuan Le, former-patient and student works from the Louis Vuitton Creative Arts Program, through Aug. 31, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific Art Gallery. 531-3511.

Recent Works, art by James Dover, through Aug. 31, Soullenz Gallery. 525-7757.


Honolulu Japanese Chamber of Commerce seeks new art works for the 26th annual "Commitment to Excellence," exhibition planned for Aug. 17-27. Works in all two- and three-dimensional media will be considered for cash prizes and display in the show. Entry fee is $10 per work. Call for complete requirements: 949-5531. Deliver submission 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday to the Academy Art Center at Linekona.

TropicBird Press (Kaua'i) seeks submissions of design ideas for a logo (colophon trademark) expressive of the long-tailed tropical birds of paradise. Design should be simple but with high impact in black and white. For submission guidelines and additional information and list of prizes, call (808) 822-3271 or e-mail deedawn@aloha.net. Deadline is Aug. 16.

Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center, Maui, calls for entries for the Juried Members' Exhibition scheduled for Sept. 17-Nov. 14. Artists may become a member by calling (808) 572-6560, ext. 7. Applications are available under exhibits at www.huinoeau.com. Receiving date is Sept. 3.

Send announcements, with a contact person's name and phone number, to Island Life, Art Calendar, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; fax 525-8055; or write to islandlife@honoluluadvertiser.com, with "Art Cal" in the subject line.