Posted on: Thursday, August 19, 2004
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Sedaka to concertize at Hawai'i Theatre
By Wayne Harada
Advertiser Entertainment Writer
Dates to log: Singer-composer Neil Sedaka brings his stash of hits ("Breaking Up Is Hard to Do," "Calendar Girl," "Happy Birthday Sweet 16," "Laughter in the Rain," "Solitaire") in a two-nighter Dec. 10 and 11 at the Hawai'i Theatre. Remember, his last stint there was a sellout and a sizzler. ...
And speaking of returnees: "Stomp!" will bring its signature song-and-dance percussion romp back to the Hawai'i Theatre in a holiday run, Dec. 21 to Jan. 2. Expect steel drums, trash cans, pipes and even the kitchen sink in this performance-art masterpiece. ... Night watch: Donovan Dela Cruz, City Council chairman, his sister, Donalyn Dela Cruz, communications director for the Democratic Party, and Cathy Reinking, casting director for the NBC-TV series "Hawaii," all checked out the comedy triple-bill of Andy Bumatai, Paul Ogata and Frank DeLima Saturday at the Palace Showroom of the Ohana Reef Towers Hotel. After that, Bumatai accompanied Donovan Dela Cruz and Reinking to watch Mel Cabang. "It's our Saturday ritual to go see Cabang at Brew Moon after our show," Bumatai said. "Cathy was so taken by Mel, she asked him to come in for a reading. She wants to save him for a bigger role down the line." A day or two later, Donalyn Dela Cruz also was called in for a reading. Pays to keep company among movers and shakers. ... Bumatai has completed two "Hawaii" episodes (the premiere and the third), playing a character named Gordon Pahu Jr. He's the lone nonseries "regular" tapped for recurring roles. ...
By the way, Bumatai shares a funny bit about longtime pal Paul Rodriguez, who visited the Palace Showroom earlier. "We were driving in my car and Paul gets a call from Jay Leno, asking him to be on the 'Tonight' show to talk about his son," said Bumatai. Paul Jr. is a men's street skateboarding champ in the X Games, telecast on ESPN. "Paul asks me what we were gonna do the next day. I told him canoe surfing; and he told Leno he passed didn't want to cut short his vacation." Rodriguez and Bumatai got the sea experience after lunching at a Kapahulu health-food spot that serves kava. Folks there offered to take them to the surf. ... Food for thought: Foodies recognized Marc Summers, host of the Food Network's "Unwrapped" and "Trivia Unwrapped," when he dined last Saturday at chef James McDonald's Pacific 'O restaurant in Lahaina, Maui. Some diners had their photos taken with the food-show host. ... Paul Ah Cook, g.m. of Ruth's Chris Steak House, made sure the cast of "Hawaii" had privacy while dining at the Restaurant Row eatery the other night. ... John Langan, Hawai'i g.m. for Compadres Bar & Grill, has returned from a New Orleans vacation with girlfriend Nina Ching, a former Honolulan. The twosome no sooner arrived at the "W" than they whisked off to Emeril's Gumbo House for the last seating of the evening, which started a nonstop, three-meal whirlwind of Cajun and Creole delights, from étouffée to jambalaya. ... KKEA (1420 AM) is going all sports next month. Which means the radio restaurant reviews by John Heckathorn and the food show with Jo McGarry will be pau. ... Whee, the people: The 12th Japan-Hawai'i Friendship Piano Recital, at 1 p.m. Sunday at Orvis Auditorium, University of Hawai'i-Manoa, will feature seven from-Japan keyboarders, joined by seven local pianists, all playing selections by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and others. The featured trouper, Nina Mizuno, also will give a solo recital at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Mozart House, 720 Iwilei Road, Suite 318. Mizuno has won several keyboard competitions in Japan. The Piano Instructors Association of Japan and the Ernest Chang Piano Studio are presenting the free programs. ... When Don Ho recorded "How the Islands Say Aloha," a tune destined for the straight-to-DVD and video "Aloha, Scooby-Doo" next spring, he also had help from Kapono Beamer, Tony Conjugacion and Tony's nephew, Shawn Patrick Keola Kalani. A Hawaiian-chant element also factored in the session at the Mountain Apple Co. studios. ... 'Ukulele whiz Jake Shimabukuro launches his third solo CD, "Walking Down Rainhill," at next Wednesday's "AT&T Wildest Show in Town" at Honolulu Zoo. Another CD launch party is set for Aug. 29 at Gordon Biersch at Aloha Tower Marketplace. ... And that's Show Biz. ...
Show Biz is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reach Wayne Harada at 525-8067,, or fax 525-8055.