Posted on: Monday, August 23, 2004
Job law protects reservists
By Larry Margasak
Associated Press
WASHINGTON Increasing numbers of National Guard and Reserve troops who have returned from war in Iraq and Afghanistan are encountering new battles with their civilian employers at home. Jobs were eliminated, benefits reduced and promotions forgotten.
Associated Press Some soldiers, however, find that the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act can't protect them.
• Larry Gill couldn't return as a police officer in Thomasville, Ala., because a grenade injured a foot, making it impossible for him to perform many duties. • Jerry Chambers, of Oberlin, Kan., found that budget cuts had eliminated his job as a substance- abuse prevention consultant. • Ron Vander Wal, of Pollock, S.D., was originally told his job as a customer service representative was eliminated. He was hired after filing a civil lawsuit. The Labor Department said the level of complaints would have been worse had the government not made an aggressive effort to explain the law to employers.
"Any increase in the number of complaints is a concern to us," said Fred Juarbe Jr., assistant secretary of labor for veterans employment and training. "At the same time, we're pleased ... that the increase in complaints is not at the level that would have been expected."
The department was receiving about 900 formal complaints a year before Sept. 11, 2001. The statistical picture since then, based on fiscal years ending Sept. 30:
• 1,218 cases opened in 2002. • 1,327 cases in 2003. • 1,200 cases from Oct. 1, 2003, through July 31. If projected over 12 months, the figure would be 1,440, the department said. The department upheld or settled soldiers' complaints in one-third of last year's cases, while another third were found to have no merit. The remaining cases are inactive or closed, often because the government lost contact with the soldier or the soldier returned to active duty.
When Guard and Reserve troops returned from the Gulf War, there was one complaint for every 54 soldiers leaving active duty. With the government's aggressive drive to inform employers of the law, the figure has improved to 1 in 69.
The complaints represent a small percentage of the quarter-million Guard and Reserve troops who have left active duty since the Sept. 11 attacks.
Not all returning troops are bitter about their job loss.
Chambers, the substance-abuse consultant, agreed that budget cuts left his former nonprofit employer no choice but to eliminate his job.
"I don't fault them for that and I don't hold grudges," he said.
Chambers was among the lucky ones, finding employment with his Reserve unit, the 1013th Quartermaster Company based in North Platte and McCook, Neb. With his unit mobilized anew, he is again on active duty.
For others, finding their jobs gone was a hardship, emotionally and economically. Gill, the former Alabama policeman with an injured leg, had to give up a career that began in 1992 and followed in the footsteps of his father and brother. "My biggest concern is loss of income," he said.
While some troops fault former employers for firing them as they served their country, most complaints involved alleged denial of benefits, promotions and raises, said officials from the Labor Department and Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, a Pentagon organization.
The 1994 law doesn't help doctors, lawyers or small-business owners who depend on maintaining a client base. It doesn't save jobs eliminated by plant closings or budget cuts. And it doesn't help injured troops who can no longer perform the work they once did.
Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Labor Department has greater numbers of complaints under a 1994 law designed to give Guard and Reserve troops their old jobs back or provide them with equivalent positions. Benefits and raises must be protected, as if the employee had never left.
Alabama National Guardsman Larry Gill, 43, tells Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., how his leg injury kept him from reclaiming his police job.