Golf notices
Advertiser Staff
Dec. 13 Fourth Maui Island-Wide Tour, at Pukalani. Check-in time 11:30 a.m. Fee: $55 and greens $30. There is a course reciprocation policy. Information: Maui Golf Shop (808) 875-4653.
January 2005 The O'ahu Junior Golf Association Playing Ability Testing for all competitive juniors, boys and girls ages 7 to 17. Information: 952-6542.
Feb. 11 NFL's Pro Bowl Celebrity Golf Classic at Waialae Country Club. Registration 11 a.m., luncheon at noon, shotgun start at 1 p.m. Each team will be assigned celebrity captain. Donation: $1,000 to NFL Charities. Information: Nick Nicolosi (201) 489-0049 or e-mail
Feb. 24 SKAL 10th annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at Hawai'i Prince Golf Club. Early bird fee (before Dec. 15): $395 for three-person team and $135 for individual players. Normal fee: $440 per team and $150 for individuals. Proceeds go to scholarships for local colleges studying travel management. Contact: Ethan Lynette 838-6082 or e-mail ethan_lynette
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Golf Notices
c/o Advertiser Sports
P.O. Box 3110
Honolulu, HI 96802
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Preference is given to nonprofit organizations and special recreational events. Participation fees and deadlines must be included. Club information is accepted; space does not permit publication of private class/instruction offerings.