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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Wie's goal is top 20 for Sony

Advertiser Staff

It has been rumored for almost a year; reported on for months. Now, it's official: Michelle Wie will play in the 2005 Sony Open.

"I'm definitely looking forward to it," said Wie, a 15-year-old Punahou sophomore who missed the cut by a single shot in last January's golf tournament at Waialae Country Club. "I will try to practice there as much as I can."

Wie, who stands about 6 feet and drives the ball close to 300 yards, shot 72-68 and tied for 80th at even par. She beat 48 men in the PGA Tour event.

"My goal is to be in the top 20," she said.

Wie said she practices every day, often up to six hours, works out using an exercise ball, and is seeing a sports psychologist.

Wie said she "started working out really hard this year. I'm a lot stronger than last year."

She said the use of the exercise ball is to help "make my upper body a lot stronger."

The sports psychologist is to help her "perform better under pressure."

Wie added, "I'm eating a lot more healthier this year."

Anthony Guerrero Jr., president of tournament host Friends of Hawai'i Charities; Ryozo Sakai, senior executive adviser of title sponsor Sony Hawai'i; and Warren Luke, president of Waialae Country Cub, made the joint announcement yesterday of Wie's sponsor's exemption.

The 72-hole tournament will be held Jan. 13 to 16. For ticket and additional information, call 523-7888.