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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Sunday, December 19, 2004

Essays scratch surface of Island culture, history

"THINGS HAWAI'I" by Carrie Ching; Mutual Publishing, hardback, $22.95

This pretty book is meant to help visitors understand Hawai'i's unique traditions. Arranged alphabetically from "Aloha" to "Woodwork," the book is composed of a series of short essays researched in locally written history books, in newspapers and on Web sites. Each topic is a one- or two-page spread with a short article and photographs on the other.

The shortness of the pieces forbids detailed historical exploration or analysis, and it's unlikely Islanders will learn much that's new. However, this would make an appropriate gift for a newcomer, offering at least surface-level cultural literacy.

The author, who is pursuing a master's degree in journalism at UC-Berkeley now, was an intern at The Advertiser last summer.