Hawai'i pitches arts to high-brow tourism
By Michael Tsai
Advertiser Staff Writer
Over the next two months, nearly 100 arts and culture events — from orchestra performances to avant-garde theater and modern art exhibitions — will be showcased as one more reason for tourists to choose Hawai'i.
With all these attractions from which to choose, local arts patrons could find themselves a bit overwhelmed and, possibly, a bit light in the wallet.
It's a nice problem to have for people like Louise Lanzilotti, managing director of the Honolulu Theatre for Youth and an ardent supporter of the arts.
"That's great," she said. "That's why I love New York City — because there are always so many interesting, exciting things to choose from."
Audrey Cummings-Gray of Manoa, a long-time symphony afficionado and frequent visitor to Honolulu's contemporary-art galleries, says she can't wait to dive into this season's offerings. All she has to do is figure out the logistics.
"There are always hard decisions to be made at this time of year," she said. "You can't see everything so you have to pick and choose wisely. I'll probably go to a few things I know I'll like, like the symphony, and then try to take in a few things that are new, something kind of edgy."
Cummings-Gray she'll also have to adjust her monthly entertainment budget.
"Some of these things can get expensive if you're going every other night," she said. "This is what people who love the arts do, though. Some people spend their money on UH football, I go to the symphony or the theater."
If the arts season promotion is successful, Cummings-Gray will be seeing some fresh faces at her favorite venues.
Local arts and culture organizations have long insisted that the local scene could and should be promoted to attract visitors who appreciate art, music and theater as much as much as sunbathing, shopping and dining. But it took a concerted effort from the Hawai'i Tourism Authority and the Hawai'i Consortium for the Arts to develop the promotion of an arts season to Mainland, Asian and other visitor markets.
"We knew for a long time that we have a lot of wonderful arts and culture events and that the arts and culture community has wanted to attract more visitors," said HTA director of marketing Frank Haas. "But it was difficult, because any one of these events has a short horizon and they often have a narrow focus or a narrow area of interest.
"What we wanted to do was try to promote these events together to show the diversity of Hawai'i," Haas said. "We wanted to show that we are much more than sun, sand and surf."
The arts season, Feb. 27 to May 2 this year, corresponds with a "shoulder season," or slow period, in the tourism industry.
Jay Talwar, vice president of marketing for the Hawai'i Visitors & Convention Bureau, says the state is aiming for a specific demographic: arts and culture travelers.
"They tend to be a little older, a little higher-spending," he says. "They would attracted by our history and culture, and they'd be willing to visit in the spring, which is a soft period for us."
Project coordinator Tim Bostock said the arts season highlights the breadth and quality of the arts and culture scene in Hawai'i.
"We're promoting a window to focus travelers on Hawai'i," he said. "This is an example of what our arts and culture community has to offer all the time."
This initial season was planned relatively quickly (Bostock was hired in July), but interest among the participating organizations was high and several made special accommodations. The IONA Contemporary Dance Theatre and Tau Dance Theater, for example, scheduled performances specifically to coincide with the season.
Even without the special scheduling considerations, spring in Hawai'i is a particularly bountiful time for arts and culture activities, and this year's official arts season has a comprehensive representation.
The season kicks off with the Hawai'i Opera Theatre's production of "The Merry Widow" and ends with the Great Hawaiian Jazz Blowout at Kapi'olani Community College. In between are major events like the Merrie Monarch Festival, the Honolulu Festival and the Hawai'i International Spring Film Festival; performances by visitors such as Sir James Galway, Sharon Isbin and Tamaki Kawakubo; and intriguing visual art collections at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Bishop Museum, the Contemporary Museum and others.
Hawai'i ethnic diversity is reflected in such offerings as the Cherry Blossom Festival, the Pan-Asian Entertainment Xentopia, Chi (a Chinese circus), and the Ki Ho'alu Slack Key Guitar and Ukulele Concert.
Among the family-friendly events are the world premier of Dis/Troy, an adaptation of "The Iliad" by the Honolulu Theatre for Youth; Bishop Museum's "Savage Ancient Seas" exhibit; and the Easter Kapalua Festival of the Arts.
Many in the arts and culture community are eager to see how the first "arts season" will be received.
"This one is the beta test to see if it can generate interest and income and have a viable life," said Deena Dray, managing director for Diamond Head Theatre.
Dray said it would be beneficial for arts organizations to continue to collaborate — as many do as a means of economic survival — to take full advantage of future art seasons.
"If we can get into a room and see what we each have on our plates, maybe we can coordinate some of our efforts," she said.
And while Dray and many of her counterparts in other arts organizations are taking a wait-and-see attitude about the impact of the arts season marketing on their operations, most applaud the initiative.
"In general, I would say that anything that directs people to the arts is wonderful," Dray said.
Reach Michael Tsai at 535-2461 or mtsai@honoluluadvertiser.com.
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The annual Honolulu Festival celebrates the cultural connection between Japan and Hawai'i at various locations on O'ahu. |
Feb. 26-28, March 5, 6, 12, 13
- "Kiss Me Kate," Army Community Theatre-Richardson Theatre. 438-4480. www.squareone.org/ACT.
Feb. 27, 29, March 2, 4
- "The Merry Widow" by Franz Lehar, Hawai'i Opera Theatre, Blaisdell Concert Hall. (808) 596-7858 or (800) 836-7372. www.hawaiiopera.org.
Feb 27 through April 30 (Fridays)
- Royal Hawaiian Band, Iolani Palace lawn. 523-4141. openstudio.hawaii.edu/frhb/sked.htm.
Feb. 28-March 20
- "Dis/Troy," Honolulu Theatre for Youth, Tenney Theatre. 839-9885. www.htyweb.org.
Feb. 28
- David Ward's Dance Quake IV, Leeward Community College Theatre. 455-0385. LCCTheatre.hawaii.edu.
- Debashish Bharttacharya: Hindustani Slide Guitar, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701. www.honoluluacademy.org.
Feb. 29
- Hawaii International Film Festival, Oscar-night advance telecast with silent auction and dinner, Royal Hawaiian Hotel. 528-3456. www.hiff.org.
- Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame, Kawaiha'o Church. 262-9004. www.hawaiimusicmuseum.org. March and April (Saturdays)
- Hawaiian Music Concerts, Hawai'i State Art Museum. 586-9959. www.state.hi.us/sfca/hawaiistateartmuseum.htm.
Feb. 29-March 14 (Sundays)
- "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Army Community Theatre-Richardson Theatre. 438-4480. www.squareone.org/ACT.
March 5
- Amsterdam Loeki Stardust, Honolulu Chamber Music Series concert, Orvis Auditorium. 956-8246.
March 5-7
- Honolulu Festival, Ala Moana Center, Convention Center, Royal Hawaiian Center, and Honolulu Academy of Arts. 922-0200. www.honolulufestival.com.
- Volcano Party, Maui AIDS Foundation, Hawaii Convention Center. www.volcanoparty.com.
March 5-14
- Annual Dance Concert: Music, Art, and Dance Fest!, UH-Manoa's Kennedy Theatre. 956-7655. www.hawaii.edu/kennedy.
March 6-7
- Sacred Sounds III, Hawai'i Vocal Arts Ensemble, Chaminade University. 561-9059.
March 8 and 15
- Honolulu Brass Quintet, "From Russia With Love," Paliku Theatre (March 8) and Doris Duke Theatre, Honolulu Academy of Arts (March 15). 524-0815, ext. 245; www.chambermusichawaii.com.
March 10-28
- "Copacabana," Manoa Valley Theatre. 988-6131, www.manoavalleytheatre.com.
March 11-14
- Chi, Chinese circus, Blaisdell Concert Hall.
March 11-April 10
- "Fanny and Belle," Kumu Kahua Theatre. 536-4441. www.kumukahua.com.
March 12-April 11
- "Jacques Brel is Alive and Well," Hawai'i Pacific University Theatre. (808) 375-1282.
March 12-13, 2004
- St. John Passion, Lutheran Church of Honolulu. 941-2566.
March 13
- E Mele Kakou Children's Choral Festival Concert, Hawai'i Youth Opera Chorus, Kawaiaha'o Church.
- Ballet Jazz de Montreal, Contemporary Dance, Leeward Community College Theatre. 455-0385, LCCTheatre.hawaii.edu.
- Celtic Band and Contra Dance, chapel at Kapi'olani Community College. 942-9430. www.sls.hawaii.edu/contra.
March 16-21
- "Beneath the Ocean Blue," Paliku Theatre, Windward Community College.
March 19, 21
- Sir James Galway, Honolulu Symphony Master Series, Blaisdell Concert Hall. Call: 792-2000. www.honolulusymphony.com.
March 21
- Brunch on the Beach, Kalakaua Ave. 523-2489, www.co.honolulu.hi.us/events/waikiki_events/brunch.
March 22-27
- Hawai'i Contrabass Festival, Doris Duke Theatre, WWC's Paliku Theatre and Orvis Auditorium (UH-Manoa). www.cbfest.org.
March 26-April 11
- "Swing!" Diamond Head Theatre. 733-0274. www.diamondheadtheatre.com.
March 26, 28
- Kawakubo Returns, Honolulu Symphony Master Series, Blaisdell Concert Hall. Call: 792-2000. www.honolulusymphony.com.
March 27
- Whakataetae Maori Song and Dance Competition, Polynesian Cultural Center. 367-7060. www.polynesia.com.
- CMH Special Chamber Music Concert "A Return to Honolulu," Doris Duke Theatre, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 524-0815, ext. 245; www.chambermusichawaii.com.
March 28
- Sharon Isbin, Paliku Theatre, Windward Community College. 235-7330, www.paliku.org or www.etickethawaii.com.
March 31-April 4
- "Ashes to Ashes" and "Far Away," Kennedy Theatre. 956-7655, www.hawaii.edu/kennedy.
April 2-3
- Hawai'i Myths & Legends, Hawaii Theatre. 528-0506, www.hawaiitheatre.com.
April 2, 4
- "Carmina Burana" by Orff, Honolulu Symphony Master Series, Blaisdell Concert Hall. 792-2000, www.honolulusymphony.com.
April 5, 12
- Galliard String Quartet "3,4,5," Paliku Theatre (April 5), Doris Duke Theatre (April 12). 524-0815, ext. 245; www.chambermusichawaii.com.
April 5-16
- 24th Annual Hawai'i Invitational Music Festival, Kapiolani Bandstand. (714) 952-2263 www.worldofpageantry.com.
April 7
- Hawai'i International Spring Film Festival, Dole Signature 18 Theatres. 528-3456. www.hiff.org.
April 9, 10
- David Benoit and Michael Paulo, Honolulu Symphony Pops Season, Blaisdell Concert Hall. 792-2000. www.honolulusymphony.com.
April 10
- Baaba Maal, Leeward Community College Theatre. 956-8246.
- Celtic Band and Contra Dance, chapel at Kapi'olani Community College. 942-9430. www.sls.hawaii.edu/contra.
April 16
- Colorado String Quartet, Orvis Auditorium. 956-8246.
- Hawai'i Pacific University's 20th Intercultural Day, Fort Street Mall. 544-0265. www.hpu.edu. April 17-May 15 (Saturdays)
- "The Little, Little Red Riding Hood Show," Honolulu Theatre for Youth, McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park. 839-9885. www.htyweb.org.
April 17-May 8
- "Pacific Tales for Young People," Honolulu Theatre for Youth, McCoy Pavilion.
April 23
- "Curtains," T-Shirt Theatre, Alliance for Drama Education, Farrington auditorium. 732-0153, ade@hawaii.com.
April 23-May 2
- "Nozaki Village," kabuki, Kennedy Theatre. 956-7655, www.hawaii.edu/kennedy.
April 24
- 14th annual spring fund-raiser, Na Leo Hone, Hawai'i Youth Opera Chorus, Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom.
May 1
- Brothers Cazimero, Waikiki Shell.
May 1-2
- Great Hawaiian Jazz Blowout, Kapi'olani Community College.
June 2-July 4
- "The Sunshine Boys" by Neil Simon, The Actors Group, Yellow Brick Studio (625 Keawe Street). 722-6941. www.taghawaii.org.
Visual arts
Honolulu Academy of Arts
532-8701, www.honoluluacademy.org.
- Through March 28: The Alsdorf Collection of Japanese paintings.
- January 29-April 11: "Fifty Centuries of Japanese Fold Ceramics": Selections from the Montgomery Collection.
- Through March 21: "Contemporary Netsuke from the Collection of Prince Takamadotaka."
- April 8-June 6: 'Japan and Paris: Impressionism, Postimpressionism, and the Modern Era."
- April 8-July 31: "Art and Life in Paris and the Countryside."
- April 29-Oct. 17: "Irving Jenkins: Reflections on a Hawaii Heritage."
- May 1-July 31: "Art and Life in Paris and the Countryside: Impressionists/Post."
Bishop Museum
847-3511, www.bishopmuseum.org.
- Feb. 7-April 18: "Savage Ancient Seas."
- Through Feb. 29: "Lono-i-ka-makahiki Exhibit: Lono of the Year."
Hawai'i State Art Museum
- Feb. 27-May 2: "Enriched By Diversity."
The Contemporary Museum
526-1322. www.tcmhi.org.
- Feb. 27-May 2: Claude Horan/Ellen Carey/Peter Chang/Paula Winokur.
Waikiki Artfest at Kapi'olani Park
- March 20-21: Works by Hawai'i artists and artisans.
Koa Gallery
(Kapi'olani Community College) 734-9275.
- Feb. 10-March 5: Recent works by painters Tom Okimoto and Lawrence Maruya.
- March 10-April 16: 11th Annual Koa Award Exhibit.
The Exhibit Space
- March 5-April 23: Windward Artists Guild-Spring Juried Members Show.
I'olani Palace
522-0832. www.iolanipalace.org.
- March 7: Kama'aina Sunday.
The ARTS at Marks Garage
521-9799. www.hawaiiwatercolorsociety.org.
- April 4-30: Hawai'i Watercolor Society member exhibition.
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Performance arts
March 10
- Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal, Kahilu Theatre Foundation, Kahilu Theatre. 885-6868. www.kahilutheatre.org.
March 12-14
- 5th Annual Tahiti Fete of Hilo, Chinen Civic Auditorium. 935-3002. www.tahitifete.com.
- St. Patrick's Day Dance Festival, UH-Hilo. 966-9807
March 13
- 9th Annual Kona Brewers Festival, King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel. 334-1133. www.konabrewingco.com.
March 20
- Na Mea Hawai'i Hula Kahiko, Volcano Art Center. 967-8222, 967-7565, www.volcanoartcenter.org.
March 21
- Voices and Organ-Kona Music Society and the Kona Symphony Chorus, St. Michael's Church. 329-9880.
March 27
- 12th Annual Spring Dance Concert, Volcano Art Center. 967-8222 or 967-7565.
April 1
- Sharon Isbin, Kahilu Theatre. 885-6868. www.kahilutheatre.org.
April 7
- "Baabamaal," Kahilu Theatre. 885-6868. www.kahilutheatre.org.
April 11-17
- Merrie Monarch Festival, Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium. 935-9168.
May 1
- Annual Spring Choral Concert, Volcano Art Center. 967-8222, or 967-7565.
Visual Arts
Volcano Art Center (Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park)
967-8222 or 967-7565.
Exhibits and events
- Feb. 28: Opening reception for glass art by Hugh Jenkins and Stephanie Ross.
- Through April 4: Glass art by Hugh Jenkins & Stephanie Ross.
- April 10: Opening reception for paintings by Kathleen Kam.
- April 10-May 16: Paintings by Kathleen Kam.
Lyman House Memorial Museum
935-5021. www.lymanmuseum.org.
- Feb. 5-April 1: "Bamboo in Japanese Culture: Traditional, Ritual and Practical."
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Performance arts
Every Friday and Sunday
- Ki Ho'alu: Slack Key Guitar-Music of Hawaii — Aloha Plenty, Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469. www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
Feb. 27
- "Tour of Hawai'i: Slack Key Guitar," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
Feb. 29
- "Hawai'i's Cowboy Music: Slack Key Guitar," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 1
- "E Kanikapila Kakou 2004," featuring Brother Noland, Garden Island Arts Council, Island School Main Hall. 245-2733, www.gardenislandarts.org.
March 5
- "Slack Key Guitar: Mo'o Legends of Hawai'i," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 7
- "Slack Key Guitar: Menehune Moonrise," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 8
- "E Kanikapila Kakou 2004," featuring Mike Young, Garden Island Arts Council, Island School Main Hall. 245-2733, www.gardenislandarts.org.
March 13
- 2nd Annual Ho'olaule'a Ho'okahi Lahui E Ala E, Kapa'a Elementary, Middle, and High School. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 14
- "Tour of Hawai'i: Slack Key Guitar," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 15
- "E Kanikapila Kakou 2004," featuring Victoria Holt Takamine, Garden Island Arts Council, Island School Main Hall. 245-2733, www.gardenislandarts.org.
March 19
- "Slack Key Guitar: Menehune of Hawai'i," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 21
- "Hawai'i's Music Legacy: Slack Key Guitar," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 22, 2004
- "E Kanikapila Kakou 2004," featuring Carlos Andrade, Garden Island Arts Council, Island School Main Hall. 245-2733, www.gardenislandarts.org.
March 26
- "Hawai'i's Music Legacy: Slack Key Guitar," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469. www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 27
- Prince Kuhio Celebration of the Arts, Prince Kuhio Park and Hyatt Regency Kaua'i. 240-6369. www.poipubeach.org/special_events.
- Sharon Isbin, Kauai Concert Association, Kauai Community College Performing Arts Center. 245-SING, www.kauaiconcert.com.
March 28
- "Slack Key Guitar: Songs and Stories of Kaua'i," Hanalei Community Center. 826-1469, www.alohaplentyhawaii.com.
March 29
- "E Kanikapila Kakou 2004," featuring Keith Haugen, Garden Island Arts Council, Island School Main Hall. 245-2733, www.gardenislandarts.org.
May 1
- 3rd Annual May Day Hapa Haole Hula Competition, Kaua'i Beach Resort. 822-2166.
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Performance arts
March 2
- "Cindy Combs: Masters Of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar," Indoor Amphitheatre at the Ritz-Carlton. 669-3858, www.slackkey.com.
March 9
- "Daniel Ho: Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar," Indoor Amphitheatre at the Ritz-Carlton. 669-3858. www.slackkey.com.
March 12
- Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal, Maui Arts & Cultural Center. 242-2747, www.mauiarts.org.
March 13-14
- Ocean Arts Fest in Lahaina, Banyan Tree Park. 667-9193, www.visitlahaina.com.
March 16
- "Cyril Pahinui: Masters of the Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar," Indoor Amphitheatre at the Ritz-Carlton. 669-3858, www.slackkey.com.
March 19-20
- CHI, Maui Arts & Cultural Center. 242-2747, www.mauiarts.org.
March 19-April 11
- "Into the Woods" by Stephen Sondheim, Maui On Stage, Iao Theater. 224-8680.
March 29
- Sharon Isbin, Maui Arts & Cultural Center. 242-2747, www.mauiarts.org.
March 30
- "Mike Kaawa: Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar," Indoor Amphitheatre at the Ritz-Carlton. 669-3858, www.slackkey.com.
April 1-4
- "TANDY!," a new musical, Maui Arts & Cultural Center . 242-2747, www.mauiarts.org.
April 3
- Na Leo, Maui Arts & Cultural Center. 242-2747. www.mauiarts.org.
April 6
- "David Kahiapo: Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar," Indoor Amphitheatre at the Ritz-Carlton. 669-3858. www.slackkey.com.
April 8
- Baaba Maal, Maui Arts & Cultural Center. 242-2747. www.mauiarts.org.
April 15-8
- Maui No Ka Oi Square Dance Festival, Okinawan Cultural Center. 661-0414.
April 17-April 18
- Lahaina's Banyan Tree Birthday Party, Banyan Tree Park. 667-9193, www.visitlahaina.com.
May 2
- Brothers Cazimero, Maui Arts & Cultural Center. 242-2747, www.mauiarts.org.
Visual Arts
Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center
572-6560, www.huinoeau.com.
- Feb. 28: Art Affair Art Auction.
Schaefer International Gallery (Maui Arts & Cultural Center)
242-2747, www.mauiarts.org.
- March 7-April 4: "Art Maui."
Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center
572-6560, www.huinoeau.com.
- March 7-April 4: Richard Nelson retrospective.
- April 18-May 16
Schaefer International Gallery (Maui Arts & Cultural Center)
242-2747, www.mauiarts.org.
- April 18-May 6: "Celebrating The Artist in Us."
Correction: Louise King Lanzilotti is managing director of Honolulu Theatre for Youth. IONA Contemporary Dance Theatre will perform "Hawaiian Myths and Legends" April 2 and 3 at the Hawai'i Theatre. The name of the organizations were incorrect in a previous version of this story. Also, Some listings on the Hawaii Arts Season calendar were incorrect:
— "The Sunshine Boys" by Neil Simon runs June 2-July 4 at The Actors Group, Yellow Brick Studio. The dates were incorrect in the listing.
— "Copacabana" is put on only by Manoa Valley Theatre and not Hawai'i Pacific University.
— "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" runs Feb. 29, March 7 and 14 at Army Community Theatre. The dates were incorrect Sunday.
— The Volcano Party at the Hawai‘i Convention Center is March 5-7. The date was incorrect.
— "The Little, Little Red Riding Hood Show" runs April 17 to May 15. The title of the production was incorrect.
— "Pacific Tales for Young People" runs Saturdays from April 17 to May 8. The dates were incorrect.
— The Bishop Museum exhibit "Savage Ancient Seas" runs Feb. 7 to April 18. The dates were incorrect.
— The telephone number for Hawai'i Pacific University Theatre was incorrect.