Match a meal with your favorite movie
Advertiser Staff and News Services
In the introduction, the writer explains that her book "celebrates the foods and dining customs of the past, inspired by favorite movies, with recipes from authentic historic cookbooks, re-created and modernized for contemporary tastes."
Chapters group dishes according to 10 movie genres, with headings that include "The Wild West" and "Gangsters to Greasers."
The Academy Awards show will be televised at 6:30 p.m. Sunday on ABC.
And then there was the customer who ...
"The customer is always right." That's the mantra by which most retailers try to live. But it's not easy when the customer is rude, crude, dishonest or downright abusive.
Surely Island folks are never like that! Well, not often. However, The Advertiser has heard some awful stories from retailers who've been treated badly by customers.
We'd like to hear more stories from retailers.
Tell us your tales of woe about conversations that turned into shouting matches and customers you hope you never see again. Write Paula Rath at
Join Dashboard at the Pipeline Café
Fans of Dashboard vocalist Chris Carrabba love singing along to the emo heartthrob's gut-wrenching odes to his ex-girlfriend so often (and so loudly) at shows that they sometimes drown out the tattooed twentysomething at the mike. Last here in November 2002, Dashboard returns March 26 for a 7 p.m. show at the Pipe-line Café.
Tickets at $20 each go on sale tomorrow at the Blaisdell box office and Times Supermarkets. Charge online at, or by phone at (877) 750-4400.