Working student steps up exercise for paddling season
By Paula Rath
Advertiser Staff Writer
Age: 26
Profession: Student of graphic design and bookkeeper for family business
Height/weight: 5' 5", 107 lbs.
Workout habits: During paddling season, my workout habits are pretty rigorous. We have a six-man practice three times a week, with an extra one-man practice during distance season. I also try to get in a one-man practice on my own every week. During the season, I also run about three or four times per week, from 2 to 4 miles. After I run, I do two sets of 100 crunches, variations of sit-ups and two sets of 20 push-ups. When paddling is over, I pretty much just run, do ab-work and push-ups. I try to run every day, or at least do something that gets my heart rate up for 30 minutes minimum. I like the hills in Manoa and around Diamond Head. Running on flat ground for an hour is boring to me.
When and why I started working out: I always played sports, paddled and surfed when I was younger, but the paddling and kayaking teams in high school introduced me to regimented workout routines. Cross-training was two-thirds of our workout, and I learned the importance of it.
My good foods/bad foods: I try to eat some fruit, green vegetables and protein every day because it's good for me. And I drink a ton of water. Other than that, my favorite foods are french fries and all carbohydrates, such as pasta, bread and sweets.
My biggest motivator: Being fit and feeling healthy. When I'm in shape, I want to stay that way.
My biggest roadblock to fitness: Between work and school, sometimes it's hard to find the time to work out.
What saves my sanity: It's important to have good daily habits and routines incorpo-rated into life which benefit my mind and body. This way, when stress comes around, my mind and body have a good foundation to counter it rather than get slowed down by it.
My next challenge: I need to find one.
Advice for those in the same boat: Working out should be fun, not a chore. If you make a point to try to do some sort of physical activity every day such as walking, hiking, swimming at the beach, surfing or dancing, exercise won't seem like a chore.